Loving The Process

11009909_10207084429291746_5138529116633789319_n“This is my process and I AM in love with my process – all that I experience is either coming up for release or inviting me into a deepening. As a Master in Alignment with my highest good – I get to choose, release or deepening… and I CELEBRATE that choice, I CELEBRATE this NOW, I CELEBRATE the remembrance activating through me~ of a New Sun, a New Power, a new radiance of my Divine Self! And So It Is!!”

Good Morning New Humans,

The above affirmation came through in response to one of you, the tribe gathering here, who had written in about the jumbled, chaotic week she has had. We talk often about loving the process and being true to the moment, even when the moment gets turned on end with old stuff and emotional stressors. Well, now we are getting to really put that expansion tool to work with amplified opportunity to notice… notice which emotions come with which choices, notice the environments that allow us to feel peace and also the scenarios that throw off our balance, notice how much of our time we are devoting to new and unplanned life and how often we are drawn back into the habit of known and familiar routine. Again, everything, a choice.

As the Summer Solstice races toward us and we experience the phenomenon of this activity impacting our lives, our emotions, our thoughts, beliefs, relationships and attachments, peace comes with the understanding that this Solstice Gateway vibrates acceleration and gratitude. Let this be your focus and the center you return to again and again and again… The highest response to acceleration, life becoming increasingly unpredictable, seemingly unstable and wildly random in nature, is gratitude. Gratitude is an opening of the heart and trust in what you you don’t yet know about your life… trust in the Mystery of it all, trust in your Self and the Divine power that is emerging from within.

Above and below you will find a couple of nature moments from a recent adventure exploring new territory in these beautiful blue mountains. The rushing waterfall above reflects the acceleration of the current ascension energies and the wildflowers below, so delicate and pure in nature, easily bring a sense of gratitude. Find some moments today to meditate on these energies and images – feel the invitation and expansiveness of them in your heart. ♥

One Love,


Posted in New Day
One comment on “Loving The Process
  1. Karen says:

    Thank you; Thank you; Thank you…..Namaste <3

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