Strong And Centered

Good Morning Light Tribe,

WOW! The Solstice Gate is well underway, driven by Divine Cosmic forces with a momentum and acceleration of its own. We are feeling in our hearts, profoundly so, the gratitude of this acceleration and a strong and certain determination to make it to our destinations, as unknown and illusive as they may seem. The greatest stability for our minds and emotions is the ongoing focus on the palpable support and Divine Love present with us in this once only dreamed of NOW.

I have some wonderful metaphor, light language to share with you this Sunday on the New Human Solstice event… I know many of you are experiencing the profound, the strangely familiar and the inexplicable you cannot find words for. This is the right of passage phase and you are encouraged to marinate your consciousness in Divine experience. Trouble determining what that might look like or be?? It is always a safe bet and optimum choice of how to spend your time to GO BE WITH THE EARTH MOTHER. Immerse yourself in the natural world. Over the last month – end of May and through the beginning weeks of June, I have had one brand new, fresh, unique and breath-taking experience after another in nature. These “opportunities” just keep falling into my lap – like energy coming to your door unexpectedly and inviting you into wonderment, into joy and delight and very new spaces. This is June at its best – opportunity, expansiveness, lightness and ease and a truly remarkable sense of being wholly supported in being true to your own path. Again, WOW!!

As I have already eluded to, the Solstice transmission will have a strong theme of balance, supports, intel and even a meditation anchoring the frequencies of balance. This is very important so stay tuned. Until then, know that Gateway passages accelerate the forward movement of our Ascension goals. Are you in touch with yours? Are you able to give voice to your personal ascension goals? Be conscious of a balance between quiet introspection and need for stillness with outward engagement and activity. Take care when you do gather to do so out of desire and delight versus habit, old belief and tradition. It will be different for each and there is no right or wrong. I have a strong connection and a blessed circumstance that affords me a lot of quiet time and communion with the higher realms, so I am relishing new activity with new friends, experiencing new aspects of my Self and the nature I AM surrounded by. Others may desire more stillness to observe what is occurring in the consciousness. The important awareness being that you are OUT of habit and FEELING the new spaces and LOVING the Love that is supporting you now!

More, more and SO MUCH MORE – sharing the energies and love, embodying this new paradigm of consciousness and saying YES to the full thrust and gift of the Summer Solstice, this Sunday, so do plan to join us! YOU are entering the higher levels of your transfiguration – I personally cannot imagine anything more important or deserving of your full devotion, gratitude and surrender. We will delve more deeply into the skill of embodiment along with a deeper exploration into the energetic filters between 4D and 5D! Here we go – are you ready? I AM.

The New Human Solstice Webcast – Balance, Gratitude, Acceleration
Sunday, June 21st 11:11am eastern

Posted in New Day
4 comments on “Strong And Centered
  1. Joyful Judy Wollam says:

    I’m enjoying being outside in my Secret Garden on the lawn swing. Yesterday Lucy (my dog) and I played a game of tug-o-war in which she tried to pull me off of the swing while I held onto one end of her toy. So much fun, laughter and joy. This morning she became inpatient with my morning meditation lasting too long. She wanted to play again-which we did.

    Realizing how important it is, at this time, to keep my energy positive and so I have given myself permission to close the doors between the front and back parts of the house. This way I don’t have to listen to TV programs that I don’t enjoy.

    I’m ready too.


    • DeAnne says:

      excellent observation and use of time JJ – and I AM sure Lucy appreciates the extra attention and fun!Thanks for sharing~ xo

  2. Karen says:

    Nod ~ Nod ~ Nod
    Mhhhh ~ mhhhh ~ mhhhh
    I’m travelling north to warmer weather & a much anticipated family get together & very much out of my routine & comfort zone.
    Hallelujah ~ all is Divinely Delightful & Wonder full……..Feeling blessed & balanced in this flow of New Love/Light xxx

    • DeAnne says:

      Holding the Light high on your reunion time Karen – we will still look for you Sunday – anchoring a New Human Solstice! ♥

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