Please take time and really read, feel deeply into yesterday’s blog post as there are many layers of light and meaning to be integrated. I shared that in feeling for the opening of the next webcast, I was “waiting for a breath in the energies.” As I spent time immersing myself in crystalline waterfall energetics yesterday shortly after that post, that phrase that stayed with me energetically; waiting, watching for the pause as these new light frequencies continually shift higher. It reminds me of the childhood game of double dutch in jump rope. But instead of rope, there are DNA spirals, like a double helix, and we are the new genetics weaving into it. Each moment different, even as in each moment we are different and new. As the crystalline DNA comes on line and activates, we must continually renegotiate our dance with the energies and reality around us.
There is a yoga posture called Mula Bhanda that when studied in depth, may seem fairly complicated and most certainly revered in yogic traditions. In class this week, I got a new sense of understanding from my teacher, Michael. He suggested that when we are breathing equanimously, paying equal attention and giving equal time to the in and out breath – that as we fully empty out the exhalation and pause deeply, that is mula bhanda! That moment and that sensation. Mūla denotes root, base, beginning, foundation, origin or source – while Bandha denotes a bound posture, joining together, catching hold of. Another expression for this sense of utter stillness is primordial pause ~when everything and nothing are present at once. Universes are formed in the primordial pause – a new foundation is currently being laid that is of a completely different origin and source than what we have come to know and rely upon as “life.”
As we drove high up into the clouds yesterday on the way to crabtree falls, we found ourselves completely enveloped in fog, fog so dense you could only see a car’s length in any direction. It was an eerily suspended state of being, a felt sense of primordial pause. The fog demanded present moment awareness, yet you were also aware that within that state of nothingness was expansive and breathtaking nature. Two completely different realities juxtaposed to one another.
As so it is with this metoric passage to 5D Earth, the Fall Equinox and the final of the Blood Moon Gates! We are surrounded by so much that appears the same and often seems more cloaked in shadow than ever before. Yet, equally present and powerful, is a new beginning for a new humanity. Your work is to be present enough and attuned to the 5D templates of love, joy, peace, harmony, creativity, unity and community enough, to see your opening, your opportunity to jump in and join in a new rhythm, a new cadence, a new alignment with a very new source of life.
The focus for July is Activation and the Divine Self. It is that all inclusive and that simple, at once. So much has been revealed and is unfolding from the Solstice energies and we are swiftly moving into opportunities in July fro expansion. Stay tuned here for more light around those opportunities… it is so very important to FEEL YOUR WORLD and EMBODY YOUR SELF and move beyond the lure of routine and sameness. Everything is different, life is especially vibrant and deeply steeped with invitation into the frequencies of unimaginable life. For you, for me, for our Earth Mother and our world.
Much Love Always,
Crabtree Falls~ I want to be that lone tree in the center – growing straight up out of rock, defying reason and known expectations, positioned to be constantly showered with abundant crystalline energies. 🙂
Therefore-it is now known as the DeAnne Tree.