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New Webcast This Sunday, 7/7/24!

Christ Consciousness New Sun Crystalline Flows Balance of Opposites Christos Sophia Zero Point Gnosis LOVE Truth Golden Mind, Golden Mind, Golden Mind ~ no heaviness, no thought. The Liberation of a New HUmanity. Ancient To Future emanations NOW gathering up...

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Solstice and Full Moon!


Namaste’ New HUmans,
Just felt to check in with you all before heading out to be with the Earth Mother via the New HUman Solstice Retreat. We spent time on this Gateway in the June Transmission, with a Solstice Meditation included.

Posted in New Day

June Energy Update: Gateways To Awakening

  Blessings of a very HOLY Now.   Namaste’ New HUmans, On my run this morning, the song One Of Us,  by Joan Osborne, just “randomly” dropped into my head. It is a stunning day in the mountains, a slight...

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Summer Soulstice In The Mountains!

Namaste’ New HUmans,
Gratitude for TODAY! Such a powerful container of Unity and support for today’s Energy Update! Keeping with the momentum of this portal day, 5/5, it felt like the perfect day to launch the Summer SOULstice Gateway experience. Find

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Webcast: Sunday May 5 2024

  May Energy Update Threshold: A New Beginning   Namaste’ New HUmans, WELCOME to a very big NOW and a brand new month! Epic eclipse and Full Moon and significant energy shift mid April in the rear view mirror… now...

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Post Eclipse Reflection! 4/9/24

“My route is through the heart of devotion.
That is a path. There are many pathways here.
One is the path of wisdom,
one is the path of calming the mind,
one is the path of opening the heart.
Mine is the path of love.”

Posted in New Day

Total Eclipse Webcast: 4/7/24

    Total Solar Eclipse New Moon in Aries Monday, April 8th, 2024 2:27pm – 3:35pm eastern The Resurrection of the Rainbow Tribe Unification of our Innate Masculine and Feminine New Human – Divine bridge between 3D and 5D  ...

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Full Moon, Full NOW!

Call me by my real name
The Universe exists within me as much as I exist in the Universe
All that lives and breathes
Wash away all illusion, wash away
show me what I AM truly made of

Posted in New Day

March Energy Update: 3/3/24

Inner Sun Mother Plasma Star Presence Solar Support Pristine Harmonics DNA, Hearts, Consciousness Realm Shift Divine Union   Namaste’ New HUmans, Everything continues to communicate, to VIBRATE – Let’s Go! But this Cosmic Consciousness “LET’S GO” is not forced action,...

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On Love

Love, how She speaks to me, all the time, everywhere
It is so easy to be caught up in and distracted by gloom and unchecked moments
and then THIS!
Love is not flashy gestures and commercial celebrations
Often subtle, sometimes illusive, but EVER present

Posted in New Day
