New Day

Hello New Humans and tribe of many colors and WELCOME to a very new, innovative and inspired website. In keeping with the tenants of 5th World, Unity, Oneness, Inclusion and Harmony, the expression you will find here will be a marriage of technology and true reality. On the New Day page, you will find daily posts inviting you deeper into the remembrance of the Authentic Self, your power and capacities as Eternal Beings of Light. All the expressions, visuals, higher truths and light emanating from this page will serve to link you to the Shining Ones, the frequencies of 5th World, our beloved planet, Gaia and the greater wisdom now emerging from within you. Let us enter in and Remember, let us join together and Create, let us use our voices and LOVE, everyday, to return all other to Oneness. And so it is~

Blog Archives

New Day

Hello New Humans and tribe of many colors and WELCOME to a very new, innovative and inspired website. In keeping with the tenants of 5th World, Unity, Oneness, Inclusion and Harmony, the expression you will find here will be a marriage of technology and true reality. On the New Day page, you will find daily posts inviting you deeper into the remembrance of the Authentic Self, your power and capacities as Eternal Beings of Light. All the expressions, visuals, higher truths and light emanating from this page will serve to link you to the Shining Ones, the frequencies of 5th World, our beloved planet, Gaia and the greater wisdom now emerging from within you. Let us enter in and Remember, let us join together and Create, let us use our voices and LOVE, everyday, to return all other to Oneness. And so it is~

A Different Place

Love is the whole thing, we are only its pieces.
Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters Of This Ascending NOW🙏🏽
I wanted to share something beautiful, something to touch the heart and remind you to breathe. I love the music of Nahko and

Posted in New Day

Feeling Good, Being JOY! ION Biome

(and catching air! 😉)
Namaste’ New HUmans,
I AM book-ending this post with 2 captions… Leaping and landing safely. What happens in between, is up to each of us as Divine, Powerful, Unique and Gifted Creator Beings. 
So much of the reality

Posted in New Day

Activation Of The Cosmic Heart!

Mother Mother Mother
calling me Home
from the deep well of my Soul.
Inward yearning, new strength rising,
incandescent Light of my Being
a simultaneous stirring of deep reunion
and the desire to rejoin LIFE
with new levels of my Self:
Whole Being, Christed Wisdom,
Passionate Awakening to WHO

Posted in New Day

Vying For Space, Intensification Of The New

drink deeply from its complex fragility.
The unknown can leave one feeling unhinged. Fear swirling, threat looming, daily we are learning so much about ourselves and one another and the very nature of existence. Can we all just

Posted in New Day

New Year, New You ~ Gut Brain Health

I AM this human, with this body, this mind,
this soul and this heart –
what can I do every single day
to take care of this body, this being –
in order to live the best version of my Self…
the most fulfilled life

Posted in New Day

All Is Made Beautiful ~

“all is made beautiful”
The frequencies flowing in are quite powerful. There is a beautiful refinement and amplification of our Crystalline Heart underway. This is manifesting as so much love flowing through our consciousness, deeply felt levels of forgiveness, of

Posted in New Day

Christmas Love, Holy Light

Namaste’ New Humans,
Take a moment and breathe the above image into your heart. Let all thoughts go… and just breathe in the frequency, the vibrational pulse of geometric Light; a new compass within

Posted in New Day

Webcast: December 13, 2020 ~ Solstice Gateway 2020!

Namaste’ New HUmans, Happy 12/12, Happy Everything, Happy the rest of your life. Today is the opening of a passage that will peak with the Solstice Gateway and anchor in a New Earth Now Reality for our world in 2021.…...

This content is for DeAnne Live members only.
Log In Join DeAnne Live

Posted in New Day, Webcast

The Dawning Of A New Age

The New Light is here and I AM walking into it without pause, without thought. Freedom codes spiral through the atmosphere, expanding my heart, activating ancient memory deep within my cells. I AM re-membering my Self to Love, to Christ

Posted in New Day

A Tremendous Gift, The WOW NOW!

💫Feel the New Light 💫
Drink it into your cells through your breath, your skin, your feeling nature. The New Earth Harmonics are so much stronger – powerful – calling human consciousness into RISE, clarity and ultimate peace.
There is a fantastical

Posted in New Day
