5D Forum

The intention and purpose of the 5D Forum is to generate discussion around nutrition, health, life-style practices and choices that lift consciousness and energy to 5th World frequency and light. Living in tune with the vibrational world is as natural to you as your breath, it is a joyful alignment with choices that give the physical body the opportunity to function in its highest capacity and maintain a state of well-being for the body, mind and spirit. This forum is in no way a how-to with a standard of right and wrong… I will simply be sharing ideas, recipes, routines and practices I’ve gathered along my own path that have proven to increase energy and help to maintain a balanced and healthy lifestyle. Diet is incredibly important in our return to the Authentic Self and innate capacities to see, be, understand and navigate spaces of Light and spiritual mastery. Self-care and the conscious shift from habits that feed the egoic self to choices that nurture your spiritual body are equally essential to our expansion into New Earth residency. So, join with me here as we learn and grow and love together, who we already are, but more importantly, who we are becoming. I will post whatever comes to me, much in the way the Guidance gives me the content of the New Human transmissions; in alignment with the greater energies we are moving through.

The discussions here will also take into consideration that the many of you are at different places in your journey and rejuvenation processes. Please take what works for you and leave the rest. The goal is to offer a bass note around which to create a new harmonic and melody for the energy of your lifestyle and body. I encourage you to comment, ask questions and share your experiences along the same topic at any given time. We are a family, remembering each other and the wisdoms we all bring to this moment in all of Eternity. This 5D Forum on DeAnne Live is another level of remembrance for the multidimensional experiences and capacities we all carry within. EnJOY!

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5D Forum

The intention and purpose of the 5D Forum is to generate discussion around nutrition, health, life-style practices and choices that lift consciousness and energy to 5th World frequency and light. Living in tune with the vibrational world is as natural to you as your breath, it is a joyful alignment with choices that give the physical body the opportunity to function in its highest capacity and maintain a state of well-being for the body, mind and spirit. This forum is in no way a how-to with a standard of right and wrong… I will simply be sharing ideas, recipes, routines and practices I’ve gathered along my own path that have proven to increase energy and help to maintain a balanced and healthy lifestyle. Diet is incredibly important in our return to the Authentic Self and innate capacities to see, be, understand and navigate spaces of Light and spiritual mastery. Self-care and the conscious shift from habits that feed the egoic self to choices that nurture your spiritual body are equally essential to our expansion into New Earth residency. So, join with me here as we learn and grow and love together, who we already are, but more importantly, who we are becoming. I will post whatever comes to me, much in the way the Guidance gives me the content of the New Human transmissions; in alignment with the greater energies we are moving through.

The discussions here will also take into consideration that the many of you are at different places in your journey and rejuvenation processes. Please take what works for you and leave the rest. The goal is to offer a bass note around which to create a new harmonic and melody for the energy of your lifestyle and body. I encourage you to comment, ask questions and share your experiences along the same topic at any given time. We are a family, remembering each other and the wisdoms we all bring to this moment in all of Eternity. This 5D Forum on DeAnne Live is another level of remembrance for the multidimensional experiences and capacities we all carry within. EnJOY!

Distilled Water

A listener wrote in with the following question: Hey DeAnne Perhaps you can share your thoughts on distilled water in the 5D section of DeAnne live?? Here are my thoughts and understanding around distilled water. Distilled water is water that...

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Potassium Love

YAY – New Humans LOVE healthy “good for you tips” for the body, mind and spirit! I can’t wait to share with you the new energy essence I have been experiencing around aging! (be sure and mark you calendar for…...

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Posted in 5D Forum

Artery Cleanse and Flu Shot!

Morning Beautiful New HUmans, I have a couple of excellent recipes to share! 🙂 The first is a recipe with just 3 Ingredients and qualities to Cure Clogged Arteries, Fat In Blood, Infections And Cold. ZOWIE! I was interested more...

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Posted in 5D Forum

Breakfast Of New Humans :-)

I have felt a greater concentration in the spiral of energy around sustenance this year… as the mind awakens to greater truths and the light-body expands, it makes perfect sense that we would be embodying a heightened sense of awareness…...

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Posted in 5D Forum

Sweet Potato Power

Selah New Human, I found this article interesting – posted by “It Starts With Food” on FB. I do not personally have blood sugar issues but I do love sweet potatoes for a number of reasons and am aware that...

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Posted in 5D Forum

Full Moon And Deep Nourishment

We have a Full Moon this weekend ~ in Leo. There are always tons of references and posts about Full Moon and yet, I encourage rather than “reading up on” what others are saying about this moon, to simply ask,…...

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Posted in 5D Forum

Embodying Dimensional Changes

  Dear Beloved Tribe of A New Earth, New HUman Experience, I was out in the Shining Ones Vortex this afternoon… such bliss and pure light frequency that so graciously clears the mind and fills the heart with exquisite octaves...

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Posted in 5D Forum

Red Quinoa Morning Porridge

Here is the quinoa “recipe” I shared on the 11/1/15 New Human webcast! If you are not familiar with quinoa, there is so much to do with this super-charged grain! Morning, noon and night there are endless ways to treat…...

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Posted in 5D Forum

Rustic White Bean and Mushroom Stew

It is that time of the year when we want something hardy and warm in our bodies. This recipe is one that we have used at New Human retreats over the years – it is one of my favorites and…...

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Posted in 5D Forum

Financial Words Of Power

Selah New Humans, In this bright and beautiful and wholly abundant NOW – a NOW where our relationship to everything is in full scale change – I extend to you a consciousness reboot around abundance and money. In addition to...

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