DeAnne has done over 300 New Human webcasts in the last 8 years, first on BlogTalk Radio and then on World Puja. She continues the tradition on DeAnne Live. Members may listen to the live webcasts and 250+ archived webcasts.
DeAnne spends many hours in the Loving wisdom of Gaia and The Shining Ones preparing for each webcast. Then at show time, with microphone in hand, and the meditation music ready, she just lets it flow…
If you are familiar with DeAnne’s The New Human radio shows, you will not be disappointed. Each show is in its own post listed below. The meditation from each show is also in a separate & downloadable mp3 file.
Click here for:
The next webcast details and a free highlight clip of the last webcast
Recent webcasts are listed below. Scroll to the bottom of each webcast post to listen and download. The archives of all 180 New Human Transmissions from World Puja shows are here.
A note from DeAnne:
Thank you for sharing in the gift of the show and the beautiful Light around the New Human Paradigm. The more I experience life, the more I am certain that there truly is only love and it desires to express Itself through each of us. The New Human Crystalline Shift in consciousness and energy on our planet carries the pure essence and strong wanting of that love, and I feel blessed to share this intent with you. The meditations are vibrational conduits, vertical attunements to deepen your connection to the heart center and Source energy. May they serve you well on your journey at this time!
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DeAnne has done over 300 New Human webcasts in the last 8 years, first on BlogTalk Radio and then on World Puja. She continues the tradition on DeAnne Live. Members may listen to the live webcasts and 250+ archived webcasts.
DeAnne spends many hours in the Loving wisdom of Gaia and The Shining Ones preparing for each webcast. Then at show time, with microphone in hand, and the meditation music ready, she just lets it flow…
If you are familiar with DeAnne’s The New Human radio shows, you will not be disappointed. Each show is in its own post listed below. The meditation from each show is also in a separate & downloadable mp3 file.
Click here for:
The next webcast details and a free highlight clip of the last webcast
Recent webcasts are listed below. Scroll to the bottom of each webcast post to listen and download. The archives of all 180 New Human Transmissions from World Puja shows are here.
A note from DeAnne:
Thank you for sharing in the gift of the show and the beautiful Light around the New Human Paradigm. The more I experience life, the more I am certain that there truly is only love and it desires to express Itself through each of us. The New Human Crystalline Shift in consciousness and energy on our planet carries the pure essence and strong wanting of that love, and I feel blessed to share this intent with you. The meditations are vibrational conduits, vertical attunements to deepen your connection to the heart center and Source energy. May they serve you well on your journey at this time!
The title above is the closest summary of energy I can find expression for at the moment regarding the next transmission of The New Human this Saturday. WOW – what a week and even couple of days it has been.…...
Do you feel as if you have stepped into a new room or that the lights have been turned from dim to bright in the one you have been in? Perhaps you have noticed a new level of clarity to…...
The next webcast is Sunday, June 29 at 2:00 pm eastern. Click here to listen. A very full transmission illumining a very profound passage of energy into new spaces of reality and Self. This is humanity’s initiation, body mind and...
In the heart of our being and the love of our Soul, we are REJOICING at the times we are in. Everyday, within the swirl and quickening of the outer reality and especially so when I am in nature –…...
What a wondrous enigma of time we are in… I came across this photo and found it strangely fitting to represent both the greater energies we are navigating now and the themes found within today’s New Human transmission. Basically, essentially,…...
Dear Family of Light, You are welcomed to join the New Human Transmissions today in honor of the Great Mother. For every thought, experience, understanding and awareness embodied within the heart of humanity, there is a higher realms aspect and...
Greetings from the New Human Star System, I am not sure of its exact location, but I know it is orbiting with a Light capable of penetrating the shadows of the denser realities. We have another cosmic event of support...
Dear New Human Tribe, Big show and energetic attunement coming up today on DeAnne Live! Yes, it is a Full Moon Lunar eclipse that vibrationally represents the hoop we will jump through and out of regarding the massive energetic this...
~ this is the first webcast on DeAnne Live! It was an inspiring show. If you are familiar with DeAnne’s The New Human radio shows, you will not be disappointed. Big News for The New Human Selah Family of a...
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