
DeAnne has done over 300 New Human webcasts in the last 8 years, first on BlogTalk Radio and then on World Puja. She continues the tradition on DeAnne Live. Members may listen to the live webcasts and 250+ archived webcasts.

DeAnne spends many hours in the Loving wisdom of Gaia and The Shining Ones preparing for each webcast. Then at show time, with microphone in hand, and the meditation music ready, she just lets it flow…

If you are familiar with DeAnne’s The New Human radio shows, you will not be disappointed. Each show is in its own post listed below. The meditation from each show is also in a separate & downloadable mp3 file.

Click here for:
The next webcast details and a free highlight clip of the last webcast

Recent webcasts are listed below. Scroll to the bottom of each webcast post to listen and download. The archives of all 180 New Human Transmissions from World Puja shows are here.

A note from DeAnne:

Thank you for sharing in the gift of the show and the beautiful Light around the New Human Paradigm. The more I experience life, the more I am certain that there truly is only love and it desires to express Itself through each of us. The New Human Crystalline Shift in consciousness and energy on our planet carries the pure essence and strong wanting of that love, and I feel blessed to share this intent with you. The meditations are vibrational conduits, vertical attunements to deepen your connection to the heart center and Source energy. May they serve you well on your journey at this time!

Blog Archives


DeAnne has done over 300 New Human webcasts in the last 8 years, first on BlogTalk Radio and then on World Puja. She continues the tradition on DeAnne Live. Members may listen to the live webcasts and 250+ archived webcasts.

DeAnne spends many hours in the Loving wisdom of Gaia and The Shining Ones preparing for each webcast. Then at show time, with microphone in hand, and the meditation music ready, she just lets it flow…

If you are familiar with DeAnne’s The New Human radio shows, you will not be disappointed. Each show is in its own post listed below. The meditation from each show is also in a separate & downloadable mp3 file.

Click here for:
The next webcast details and a free highlight clip of the last webcast

Recent webcasts are listed below. Scroll to the bottom of each webcast post to listen and download. The archives of all 180 New Human Transmissions from World Puja shows are here.

A note from DeAnne:

Thank you for sharing in the gift of the show and the beautiful Light around the New Human Paradigm. The more I experience life, the more I am certain that there truly is only love and it desires to express Itself through each of us. The New Human Crystalline Shift in consciousness and energy on our planet carries the pure essence and strong wanting of that love, and I feel blessed to share this intent with you. The meditations are vibrational conduits, vertical attunements to deepen your connection to the heart center and Source energy. May they serve you well on your journey at this time!

Webcast: March 15 2020 ~ Stepping Out On The Way

March is FULL ON ACCELERATION. March is pristine and persistent with the presence of clarity, a felt refinement of a truer identity and purpose. I just feel so grateful ~ about nothing in particular and everything in general. There is…...

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Webcast: February 16 2020 ~ Where Do We Go From Here

These 2 photos were taken one right after the other – the same moment, 2 different sides of a ridge line. As I looked to the left of me (feminine/receiving), a new day dawns brightly, the sun burning off the…...

This content is for DeAnne Live members only.
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Webcast: January 19th 2020 ~ The Harmonizing Of A World

Embrace this NOW ~ wrap it around you and feel the promise of a new vision for our world. There is so much inspiration in the field, people standing up, using their voice, offering hope, demonstrating a new strength, saying…...

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Webcast: December 22 2019 ~ The Great Drawing Inward

Namaste’ to this beautiful tribe, I spent the early morning hours of Thanksgiving Day climbing to this magnificent waterfall. The windchill was in the upper 20’s and the steep, rocky ascent required fortitude and commitment ~ but the rewards were...

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Webcast: November 17th 2019 ~ From Mundane To Magical Life ~ Activating Crystalline DNA

So much is happening to reflect our embodiment in undeniable ways. This show will focus on how the new DNA sequences are manifesting in our lives and a deeper look at the nature of Crystalline DNA. I have a brand…...

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October 20, 2019 ~ New Story, New Lives, New Reality

The intensification of Divine Love is allowing for palpable experiences of purity, clearing, clarity and freedom! Dear Beautiful Family, I have just returned from a magical, beautiful, so incredibly fulfilling experience in Ajijic, Mexico, right as we seal up this...

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Webcast: September 8 2019 ~ The Generous Present Moment

August 2019 has been a month of new star gates activating around the planet – with the energy of DISCOVERY extended as an invitation. It has been a VERY BIG MONTH! There are not words to describe the level of…...

This content is for DeAnne Live members only.
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Posted in Webcast

August 4 2019 ~ The Light Advances – HUGE Resolution To Old Stories – TIME TO SHINE!

Sunday August 4 2019 Webcast: The Light Is Advancing ~ Resolution To Old Stories Meditation: Meditation: The Invitation Music: Essence by Arbre Noir Music: Essence by Arbre Noir Until then, enjoy this highlight from the last webcast.   Members may...

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July 7 2019 ~ Nurturing A Pristine Environment

“… set free to travel the bridge, the small self enters a radiant omnipresence. This it remembers, and knows as it’s truth.
gradually the luminosity of that truth fills the body to overflowing as it rises through the crown into...

This content is for DeAnne Live members only.
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June 9 2019 ~ Overriding All Lesser Realities!

PERCEPTION * ENERGY* NEW* Happy June New Humans, Thoughts seem to be leaving my mind as soon as they enter lately. I AM aware of hanging out a lot more in the spaciousness between my thoughts and listening more deeply...

This content is for DeAnne Live members only.
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