I just wanted to share with you here some energy and a sneak preview from the Bodhi Tree. I love this space – I love the owner and manager – and I was guided quite strongly the first moment I…
I just wanted to share with you here some energy and a sneak preview from the Bodhi Tree. I love this space – I love the owner and manager – and I was guided quite strongly the first moment I…
Embracing the Demands of the Divine~
Integrating New Light Filaments~
Re-membering what Awakening is all about!
Join the New Human today for another “in the moment” attunement to the Ascension Energies and frequencies of 5th World. Sunday, September 28th, 11:11am Eastern.
One of the highlights from my week was this double rainbow, captured on Wednesday, just after the Solstice. Mother Nature and Father Sky extended a pretty grand invitation into Fall if you ask me… and I accept. Because this quantum…...
Good Morning New Human Tribe of beauty and Light!
Just sharing another nature moment during this vast and uplifting Solstice gateway we just passed through. I call this video “wind and acorns” and you will soon see why. Just feeling the…
The energies of this Fall Solstice did not disappoint! Here is a picture that does a pretty good job of capturing the essence of the vibe yesterday – along with a quote from the Shining Ones book! It was like…
Sharing a few moments of light and beautiful energy with you from the Shining Ones Woods. My “few moments” easily turned into 6 minutes because I was so surrendered to the experience and just marinating in the frequencies of the…
One of the things I find invaluable and so empowering to my light essence is to pick up the Shining Ones book and randomly turn to a page and passage. Invariably, without exception, the words my eyes and consciousness fall…
April 25, 2009 Download… After the show yesterday my immediate experience was one of utter stillness. I felt like I was in a vacuum that was totally devoid of this sensate reality. I had no thought, my mind was completely...
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