Monthly Archives: May 2015

Purest Presence, Truest Self

I AM so grateful to be on the ocean right now, last night I remained in the water long after the sun went down and the last pink hue was replaced by a still darkness. One of my favorite things

Posted in New Day

Everyday, Brand New

When we truly embrace our Divinity, the inherent Unity and Creationary power we have to create worlds out of nothingness and to do so for the One purpose of Love, a sense of Supreme Joy overtakes our human condition. We

Posted in New Day

Living Your Light

Posted in New Day

Rewriting Our Consciousness, Reframing Our Lives

Gratitude to the MANY, in this dimension and beyond, that came and participated so fully and with such presence and love in the New Human Webcast yesterday. It was 90+ minutes of attunement, wisdom and new light frequencies on behalf

Posted in New Day

Webcast: 2015-05-10 ~ Rewriting Our Consciousness, Reframing Our Lives!

May, Glimpsing The Future I was on the mountain bike yesterday – I had just climbed the first tier of a trail that would take me to the “goat trail” at the top of the ridge. I stopped for bodhi...

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Posted in Webcast

New Webcast Today!

I AM heading out to the Shining Ones Vortex this early morning in May to create the space for today’s live transmission. I AM feeling a lot of inclusive energies and the presence of many from the ascended realms on

Posted in New Day

Spiraling Dynamics

The New Human is the Light of a New Consciousness. Authentic spirituality requires a commitment to all life, all that is, and that includes the interior life of our reunification with Self. By anchoring peace within, on an individual level,

Posted in New Day

River Vortex!

Good Morning Beautiful Beings,
I thought I would share a beautiful moment with you from nature… I came across a magical vortex in the river with a blue light glow around it! I had to stop and capture it. Lots of

Posted in New Day

The Sunrise Within

Beyond all time and space, within and outside all known and unknown dimensions, a pause between the inhalation and exhalation of prana, there is a void where all realities and planes of existence collapse into themselves; a nothingness of penetrating

Posted in New Day

Look At The Sky

The process of remembering often seems painfully slow – and yet we are…
remembering each other, remembering  ancient skills and technologies, remembering that we have choice and ultimately, that there is only love. The New Human

Posted in New Day
