Monthly Archives: September 2015

The Future, NOW

In the background of the space that is the void, once fearful and unknown, is the energy of a new song, a new and beautiful artistry ready to expand our understanding of music as a species, to the music of

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Golden Planes Of Bliss

Blessings Light Tribe,
I was called to the Waterfalls, I had to go! Deeply suspended in the Blood Moon’s energies and regarding the Shining Ones words about this magnificent “eclipse” of Tetrads: “Remember the way this energy feels, breathe into and

Posted in New Day

Energy For A New Era, Blood Moon Total Eclipse

Blood Moon Total Lunar ECLIPSE
Sept 27th 2015~ 8:50pm mountain
“If you go where few have gone, you will find what few have found.”
Mahatma Buddha
This quote has accompanied my path for as long as I can remember. It dropped into the preparation

Posted in New Day

Living Light Language

Hello! I’m Digby, admin at DeAnne Live.
I’d like to share with you what I see when I edit DeAnne’s webcasts.
In the video below I’ve captured the frequency spectrum of DeAnne’s voice from an excerpt of her last webcast. The video

Posted in New Day

Co-Creating A New Existence

Blessings Of Wonder and Light New Humans,
I find myself in a very reflecting, contemplative and meditative state this morning. As we stand before and prepare to walk into this week of magnificent invitation, energy and potential, it would serve all

Posted in New Day

Webcast: 2015-09-20 ~ Divine, I AM – Templates of The New HUman

Blessings New HUman Tribe of Light, I AM feeling strongly guided to connect one last time before the Equinox Gateway with a late September New HUman Transmission. This will be a time for us to come together in Love and...

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One Of My Favorite Quotes!

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Posted in New Day


Posted in New Day

New Moon, A Month Of Powerful Shifts

Happy New Moon Saturday New Humans!
Surely this NOW is the Event Season! WOW! So many supports, so much movement and abundance flowing with invitation to new, new, new. As I mentioned in recent blog, LOVING YOUR WHOLE BEING is an

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