Yearly Archives: 2016

Peacocks, Bears, Synchronicity, Love

Welcome To A Very New Reality

Good Morning Beautiful Light Tribe,
We had such a powerful transmission of the New HUman Consciousness and Energy yesterday, 2 plus hours of transformational energies, guidance, higher realms participation, metaphor, supports and tangible examples of how

Posted in New Day

Celebrating Freedom

Celebrating freedom, sending compassion to all those who don’t have it and wishing everyone a JOYful 4th of July spent doing what makes you happy!

Posted in New Day

Pause, Take A Breath ~ New Moon

Good Morning Light Tribe,
As we settle into July, let us remember that it is in loving the Self and trusting the process of our journey that we sit at the intersection of who we have been and who we are

Posted in New Day

Webcast: 2016-07-03 ~ A New Reality

Blessings to the Light Tribe, Many of us are still in suspended spaces of quiet nothingness, the mind curiously still, the heart expansive with trust and allowing, following joy into experiences of new life! So many layers of profound and...

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Posted in Webcast

Homemade Body Scrub

Hello Beautiful New Humans, I admit, we have the luxury in Asheville of being able to buy fresh, yummy smelling bath salts in bulk at our local stores. But I have been experimenting with making my own and thought I...

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Posted in 5D Forum

New Energy

Good Morning Light Tribe,
As we head into this final week of possibly the most powerful month on our planet thus far, I have a few energy shots to share with you from the Solstice passage. You will find the altar

Posted in New Day

Fabulous Fennel ~ Supporting Transitioning Digestion

Hi New Humans, We have discussed on the New Human Transmissions the changes and higher demand being placed on the digestive system. There is a big difference between the genetic imprints of a species that has relied on dense, processed...

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Posted in 5D Forum

Love Letters To God

I AM heading into a beautiful, blessed and powerful 3 day Equinox Retreat here in these ancient mountains I call home. People coming from as far as Colorado to journey into the night of dreams and deep into the folds

Posted in New Day

Reunion, Unity, Love ~ Summer Solstice 2016

Namaste’ Beloved Light Tribe,
I have had so many levels of clearing this week, around me work, my closest relationships, including my relationship to my Self – I am getting SO much more intel about the care and maintenance of the

Posted in New Day

Energy Of Transformation

Blessings Light Tribe,
This has been a tumultuous week to say the least ~ unsettled, unstable, unpredictable and unrelenting energies coming from every angle and within every circumstance in our individual lives and the collective world. I spent some heart and

Posted in New Day
