Yearly Archives: 2017

Wide Open Spaces ~ July’s Invitation

Namaste′ Beautiful Beings and Welcome to July ~ a tremendous opportunity for the ascending light tribe of a new humanity. The ability to focus on true reality is really strong now – the energy is moving very quickly toward new

Posted in New Day

In This Moment

In this moment ~ my breath is calm and my mind is still.
In this moment, the space around me is vast enough to include both shadow and light, sorrow and joy, hate and love, war and peace.
In this moment, the

Posted in New Day

Solstice, New Moon, Vast Love

Blessings on this NEW MOON day New HUmans,
Many of us are still in deep spaces of wonder and gratitude for the experiences the Summer Solstice Gate offered. What a gift, as we marinate in those shifts within the mind, body

Posted in New Day

Embrace The Light ~ Summer Solstice

Happy Solstice New Humans~
Let this day be about gratitude and opening your heart and owning the fullness of the power you have to create! Create new life, new relationships, new health, new roles of service, new levels of dharma,

Posted in New Day

New Solstice Webcast ~ June 18th 2017

Namaste Beautiful Light Tribe, I AM very excited about this Solstice webcast and all the new presence and intel that is here to support this process. This will be a powerful transmission with an array of energies teaching the new...

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Posted in Webcast

Beautiful Dream ~ Sacred Spiral INTEGRATION

Life continues to be a beautiful dream of God’s
and His/Her gifts of Grace bestowed upon me expand my heart and deeply touch my soul. 
Jai Guru Paramahansa Yogananda

Blessings of Joy and Peace to this beautiful Light Tribe,
June has come

Posted in New Day

Webcast: Sunday ~ May 28th 2017

Blessings One and All, This has been a tremendous energetic over the past week or so ~ it felt important to touch base together and recap this latest gateway with vibrational support for the new that is impacting every aspect...

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Posted in Webcast

Peace ~ Within and Without

Good Morning New Humans,
There is an incredible amount of repatterning and activation underway, energies shifting around within and without as new DNA comes on line. This Gateway is pretty fierce! I see and feel a tremendous pillar of energy and

Posted in New Day

Essence ~ Gateway Of Unification

Blessings Beloved Family Of Light,
There is an incredible level of devotion present in the field ~ new light enveloping us in a Universal Rewrite that is affecting the Collective on many different levels. Do not resist the waves, the ebb

Posted in New Day

Deep In The Forest

Deep in the forest is where the mystery lies ~ and it beckons to all who want to know its secrets. When I explore the unknown and discover new places of beauty and light and water and ancient rock in…...

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