Yearly Archives: 2017

A New Place To Be

Namaste’ New Humans,
The Equinox was an exceptional Gateway and passage ~ I have witnessed a goddess embodying a young Soul on this planet, have ascended to a pyramid that seems to touch the Sun and understand a new depth of

Posted in New Day

Spring Equinox! Embrace this NOW!

Equinox, March 20 (3:28amPT)

Posted in New Day

Deepening, Embodying, Becoming ~ Equinox Timeline Shift

Last night I dreamed I was climbing a tree ~ the tree was incredibly unusual, otherworldly in nature, surrounded by an abundance of flowers. It was quite vast with a network of limbs that defied any logic ~ wrapping and

Posted in New Day

Deepening With The Moon And Intention

Good Morning New Humans,
With all its intensity, the Divine Feminine has really been showing up in a myriad of ways in March ~ subtle as with the simple email from lululemon earlier this week ( and not so subtle

Posted in New Day

With Love and Gratitude

Good Morning Beautiful Beings,
I woke up to this email first thing this morning, from Lululemon! If felt like a kiss from the Sun, a hug from the Universe, Love from the Beloved. How could I not share it with you?

Posted in New Day

WTF! Yours For The Choosing ~

As we settle into March, imagine you are the Sun ~ and the many rays of activity, shifts, symptoms, decision and opportunity impacting your world at this time, are the prisms preparing you for the moment of the Spring Equinox.

Posted in New Day

Surrender & Stillness, Embodying Solar Light

Blessings New Humans,
Gratitude for all the love, appreciation and support that was present with last Sunday’s show ~ The New Templates Of Self. We are a circle unbroken, ever widening.????This transmission is 2 hrs and 16 minutes of radiant light

Posted in New Day

February 26th 2017 ~ New Moon, Solar Eclipse!

Namaste’, New HUmans~ The Gateway this week leading into the New Moon, Eclipse on Sunday has been no less than exceptional. The Light is doing its work, the question is, are we? If you have been challenged with illness, fatigue,...

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Webcast: Sunday, February 26th!

Blessings Divine New Humans,
This is a huge time, a vast passage ~ there is so much going on with the physical body ~ and all over the vibrational spectrum, depending on who’s “driving” in your personal reality.  Personally, I

Posted in New Day

I Heart You ~ 3 Meditations To Nurture Your Soul

Namaste Beautiful Beings Of LoveLight ~ There is an incredible amount of activity going on with the physical and spiritual heart right now, due to Solar Light directly affecting the Cardiovascular System. All is purposeful, all expansive and aligned with...

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