Yearly Archives: 2018

Greater Light On Transitions!

An earnest student and his beloved Master sat looking at a radiant sky. The student asked, Wise Master, is that a sunrise or a sunset? And the Wise Master replied ~ ultimately they are the same, mirrors of the same

Posted in New Day


I saw a t-shirt recently that said simply, “chilLax!” 😉 Wouldn’t it be great if it were that easy? I know of a teacher that would love to take time for herself and join in the Ancient Mysteries Course, yet...

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YOU ROCK! New Zealand! New Course!

“The problem, if you love it, is as beautiful as the sunset.”
~ J. Krishnamurti
Saying goodbye to the day on Lake Hartwell, GA/SC  – after saying a final goodbye to my mom.

Gratitude for the heartfelt support and love shared by many

Posted in New Day

Everywhere, I AM

Dear Beloved One that I AM~
Help me to remember that I AM the Light that is coming over the horizon… that every color of Creation is an expression of the frequency of my inner most being.
I AM the shadow and

Posted in New Day

Lion’s Gate Eclipse Week – A Powerful Week Of Transformation

The Lion’s Gate: Wednesday, August 8
New Moon & Partial Solar Eclipse:
Saturday, August 11 at 5:46am easterm
New Human Transmission, SUNday, August 12th
11:11am eastern

Breathe ~ Trust ~ Allow ~ Expand ~
❤️Open Your Heart ~ Create Peace☮️
Choose the higher light in every situation

Posted in New Day

Webcast: August 12 2018 ~ Expansion And Freedom, The Shift To Higher Timelines

Peace Chant Oṃ saha nāv avatu saha nau bhunaktu saha vīryaṃ karavāvahai tejasvi nāv adhītam astu mā vidviṣāvahai | Om śāntiḥ śāntiḥ śāntiḥ Om! May we protect each other may we nourish each other may we work together with great...

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Posted in Webcast

Cosmic Amplification!

HERE I AM AGAIN!! This moment is SO huge and SUCH a gift for humanity that I just feel to keep connecting in ~ sending etheric hugs and reminding you how much you are loved.
The awareness anchoring as we

Posted in New Day

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse

 Heart Open Fully, Face To The Sun, I Live My Brightest Light
Please spend some moments each day with the blog about all the events this week and the energies underway ~ and share freely as many are needing support:

Posted in New Day

The Wormhole

I am in the wormhole – have been for some time now –
no one who has not been there can know what is asked of one –
required in exchange for remembrance –
few are called – fewer still, remain.
And the waiting?

Posted in New Day

Living The Practice ~ Body, Mind, Spirit

I AM Seriously Excited and Grateful and STOCKED that the Super Spectacular NOT TO BE MISSED Asheville Yoga Festival is just ONE WEEK AWAY!!
An eclectic array of presenters including the most talented and popular yoga teachers from around the

Posted in New Day
