Yearly Archives: 2018

The Freedom Of Unity Consciousness ~ June 3 2018

I AM every human, I AM every color, I AM Earth and Sky, I AM Water and Fire. I AM the air that every living thing breathes, I AM the beating heart, the sorrow and joy, the aching and bliss,…...

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Strange Things And Radical Transformation, Part 2

Dear New Human Tribe of Light.
We are mid way through this week of incredible lightening and opening ~ today has definitely been a peak of this energy, a strong trigger point. My thymus has been quite active most of the

Posted in New Day

New Moon, Divine Influx

How beautifully can you live with uncertainty?
Dear New HUman Family of my Heart,
So much of where we are now, the experiences we are gathering and witnessing, adjusting to and embodying are beyond the capacity of our language. I went to

Posted in New Day

Strange Things and Radical Transformation

I was thinking today about a Netflix show called Stranger Things. It is about the upside down and inside out of worlds most don’t consider, worlds that are always watching, influencing, upsetting the status quo and luring us into mystery,

Posted in New Day

May 6 2018 New Human Webcast Grace And Embodiment

Breathe Deeply Flow All Thoughts To The Heart   Repeat  Upcoming Supports For Embracing The Unknown And Finding JOY in the Mystery: Sunday, April 29th 8:58pm Eastern – FULL MOON in Scorpio – I AM especially grateful for this Full...

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NEW COURSE!! Ancient Mysteries Of Asheville

A 4-Week Sacred Nature Experience
with DeAnne Hampton, BS/MA

A 2018 Initiative To Heal Body, Mind, Spirit and Earth

DeAnne has been teaching and guiding vortex and sacred site experiences in Asheville since 2009. This  experiential course is in response to the New

Posted in New Day

Earth Day, Ancient Mysteries, Unity Meditations

Every day I see or hear something
that more or less kills me with delight
It is what I was born for

to look to listen to lose myself inside this soft world
to instruct myself over and over in joy and acclamation

Posted in New Day

The Dirty Dozen and Clean Fifteen

I have posted this list in the past ~ here is the latest update. A BEAUTIFUL new human named Jacquelyn Benjamin, whom I recently met when she came for a vortex tour made a beautiful post about this essential awareness,…...

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New Moon, Balancing Masculine Energies

Breathe In Breathe Out Repeat
And so here we are in another magnificent shift point on our way to highest potential ~ for ourselves and our world. Gratitude to this beautiful being, Anton Mackey, for the PERFECT energetic to express this

Posted in New Day

DREAMBUILDERS Australian Interview

I was very honored when a beautiful New Human listener from the World Puja days asked to interview me for her blog. It was great fun and meaningful to connect with Liara in this way ~ and equally joyful to

Posted in New Day
