It is hard to be still without the full awareness of what is coming. The ego wants and needs to know. But on 5D Earth, all is created from stillness. Love is radiated from within and sent out as a…...
It is hard to be still without the full awareness of what is coming. The ego wants and needs to know. But on 5D Earth, all is created from stillness. Love is radiated from within and sent out as a…...
There is a New Day dawning
There is a New Earth rising
From the sleeping folds of a lost and sorrowful world
a shimmering path appears.
The path is crystalline, the way is clear
the air is fresh, the stillness filled with wisdom.
As so…
Between stimulus and response there is a space.
In that space is our power to choose our response.
In our response lies our growth and our freedom.
Victor Frankyl
In the center of my Being,
in the center of this Light,
in the center of all…
Seek the wisdom that will unite your knot –
seek that path that demands your whole being.
Leave that which is not but appears to be –
seek that which is, but is not apparent. RUMI
In the stillness, nature tells us her secrets;
It Is A New Day!
I have had such an inspiring, powerful, other-worldly experience over the past 2 days… I felt moved to share and connect with you once again in this profound energy of RISE. All around and within you,…
Dear Beautiful New HUmans,
I AM being really present with the stillness, more and more. It has been less than a week since the new human transmission, A NEW FOUNDATION. I continue to hold the Light high…
Blessings to this Beautiful Community, Blessings to Our World. This comes to you in Wellness, in Peace, in Love and in JOY! A reminder that these are your natural state of being, the frequencies of your innate light and authentic...
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