Good Morning Shiny People! I have the perfect song for you for this NOW! Expansive, uplifting, beautiful expressions of freedom and the true nature of the Light. MC Yogi is a frequent artist on my playlists ~ and I have...
Good Morning Shiny People! I have the perfect song for you for this NOW! Expansive, uplifting, beautiful expressions of freedom and the true nature of the Light. MC Yogi is a frequent artist on my playlists ~ and I have...
I LOVE this photo! I love that it is asymmetrical ~ an unusual, even nonsensical view of reality as we know it. I love that the well trodden foot path appears dull and one dimensional, while the reality all around…
The Light Prevails… and we along with it. Unafraid Strong Centered In Truth We move forward. Come and JOIN ME, along with this beautiful community ~ for a new WOW, NOW transmission of the New Human consciousness and energy. I...
Dedication To Peace, Expansion and New Earth
Dear New HUmans,
As I shared in Sunday’s post, The Power Is Here Now – I Am still in deep integration mode from the exquisite Equinox Gateway. Once again, everything is different! We have gathered…
JUST WOW ~ Dear New HUmans the World Over ~ This is my constant prayer ~ that by one and by many into a New Collective, bright future ~ this humanity truly begin to realize that this and EVERY moment…...
As I reflect on the above image, feeling the wonder and love,
I think to myself, I cannot believe I stood in that moment.
And very soon, this humanity will look back upon this time
and say the exact same thing,
“I cannot…
Good Morning Everyone, I recently hosted an AMAZING chef on a vortex outing… and he introduced me to Sea Moss! It is not easy to eat a mineral rich diet ~ and I learned that Sea Moss has 92 of...
Rise Expand Breathe Accept Allow Breathe Trust Know Breathe Love Embrace BE New Perspective New Choices New Possibilities New Opportunities New Family New Community New Gifts New Purpose Namaste’ New HUmans, I just returned from Brandon, Florida, where I grew...
Nature’s Dream Catcher –
the Light shining SO brightly onto and through the NEW DREAM of humanity – a conscious, free, unified experience of Divine New Human, the Christed Self. In this alignment of your truest expression of beingness – you…
The Earth speaks in a powerful way
reassuring us with her magic, her radiance
and her playful, joyful heart
that we, too, are wise and powerful
in our capacity to see the subtle realms,
to walk between worlds,
to understand ourselves and existence
as ONE many faceted…
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