Namaste’ New HUmans, So much to process and continue to absorb and then integrate from this POWERFUL Solstice Gateway 2022! I just want to hug all of humanity for the depths and totality of the experience we have agreed to...
Namaste’ New HUmans, So much to process and continue to absorb and then integrate from this POWERFUL Solstice Gateway 2022! I just want to hug all of humanity for the depths and totality of the experience we have agreed to...
6 Pointed Star – Creator’s Star
And the vibration of this powerful year 2022.
6 Attributes:
Connects above and below,
reconciliation, intellectual creativity, discrimination,
imagination, union, love,
taking responsibility for choices.
Planets: Venus and Uranus
Namaste’ New HUmans,
I have an Earth, Pachamama, Gaia, Mother story to share…
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