Namaste’ New HUmans, This is honestly a different photo than I posted last week. The SUN around the Solstice Gateway was just SO incredibly brilliant with so much invitation, energy and coded light intel. This was taken a different...
Namaste’ New HUmans, This is honestly a different photo than I posted last week. The SUN around the Solstice Gateway was just SO incredibly brilliant with so much invitation, energy and coded light intel. This was taken a different...
Summer Solstice 2023
Wednesday, June 21, 2023 10:57 AM eastern
Hearts in Service
Gratitude Flows
Magnetically pulled into New Futures
Faith Deepens
Cares fall away
We RISE like the New Light of day
a New Sun dawns within
Love, the only momentum
Your heart, the only path.
Namaste’ New HUmans, This NOW is so full of revelation! Moments of insight, AHA’s that seem to ripple through time and space. You might be wondering what in the world the images captured here are! And what do snails have...
Namaste’ New HUmans, This photo was from one of my runs this week. It was a typical morning in the mountains, the temperature was a balmy 49 degrees and the sun brilliant with inviting warmth. I knew what my spirit...
This support and love brought to you by Osiris, Isis, Thoth, Maat
and New HUman Mateo
Namaste’ New HUmans,
Just wanting to check in with you ALL during this powerful Eclipse window. What a blissfully intense passage we are in! Feeling into the…
What we do in life… echoes in eternity. Maximus, Gladiator Namaste’ New HUmans, All of existence is calling humanity out of its slumber into more meaningful lives ~ and not for personal reasons but for the benefit of your...
Lining Up With Your Moment Spring Equinox Gateway March 20, 2023 Global Unity Meditation 8:11 ET, 11:11 ET and 5:11 ET. New HUman March Transmission Sunday, March 5, 2023 11:11am Eastern Namaste’ New HUmans, March has come in with...
Namaste’ New HUmans,
The moment I sent out the New Day post, Antahkarana, Bright Light Of Self, ( I knew there would be a follow up. I needed to pause the massive flow of energy that came with that post and…
Holy Mother
Divine LoveLight
Sacred Earth
Creative Agency
Emanations of Christed Perfection
Solar Logos
Soul Monad
Path of Return
Namaste’ New HUmans,
As I sit down to share with you here, my beloved light family, I wonder how I will possibly find words to express the experience of this…
Forgiveness is an act of consciousness. Love is an act of consciousness. Serving is an act of consciousness. Kindness, choosing peace within and without – acts of consciousness. Seeing through the illusion here into UNITY – creating, living devotion, seeing…...
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