Welcome and Gratitude for your interest in the New Human, the Shining Ones and 5th World…
Every time there is a new transmission of the New Human, a new meditation to compliment the theme of the webcast and the current ascension movement is included. These meditations are a beautiful synergy between earth/humanity and the Galactic Center – or New Sun. They come from love, in the moment, in response to the current ascension movement at any given time. Each meditation contains relevant harmonics designed to drop the mind beneath the constant chatter of the personality matrix and align the participant with the deep heart of Divine intention. They are timeless and light encoded such that, each time you meet them, you will experience them differently and they will speak to and activate a different level of consciousness and energy within your light-body matrix.
With the Shining Ones guidance, I have chosen a meditation that I feel communicates vibrationally the new level of stewardship and co-creation emerging between humanity and earth. In working with this meditation, you will begin the remembrance of the new human emerging in you, along with activations of your greater purpose on the planet at this time. EnJOY!
Meditation: I AM, Divine Union
Music: Shivarati by Benjy Wertheimer
From the webcast: Divine, I AM – Templates of The New HUman on September 20, 2015