Checkout for DeAnne Live Membership

Thank you for joining DeAnne Live!

Membership Information

You have selected the DeAnne Live - Ongoing membership level.

You will be billed an initial $10, and then $10 a month for as long as you remain a member. To cancel your membership, click the \"My Account\" link at the top of every page.

Note: We are using PayPal for payments to DeAnne Live. If you do not have a PayPal account you will be required to create one. However, you do not need to have a PayPal account balance to be a member of DeAnne Live, you can use a credit card of your choice.

Enter a username, password and email address for your new DeAnne Live membership, and then click the Check Out button below to complete the payment.

The price for membership is $10.00 per Month.

Account Information

Already have an account? Log in here

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