Your Divine Uniqueness – DeAnne’s Special Offers
Special Offer #1
A Private Session with DeAnne & the Shining Ones!
In these sessions, you can expect an energy attunement, clearing of the energy body and removal of blockages in your current energy signature. You may ask the Shining Ones for specific guidance and assistance around a particular concern or you may simply join in communion with these new light frequencies and ask for your highest good to be activated at a cellular level.
Each session is unique to the individual. DeAnne experiences words as energy and is adept at returning balance and creating alignment between the egoic mind and vibrational being. The energy engaged in these sessions will continue to work with you for up to 2 weeks post session, all the while anchoring more light into your experience and assisting you with maintaining balance. You can expect a lightness and joy of being, heart expansion and a new sense of clarity about forward movement on your spiritual path.
Prior to this 50-minute call, you are encouraged to get in touch with your intention in joining your current vibration with the light and wisdom of the Shining Ones. You can expect peace, a stronger connection with your core and clarity in the movement of your highest good at this time.
Here’s What Others Have To Say:
“DeAnne is a teacher of high degree. Experiencing her wisdom and love is like turning on a light in a dark room. Once I began working with her I knew life would never be the same. And I was gratefully right!” Christine T. Upstate, NY
“DeAnne’s attunement to this new light, to the New Earth and ability to articulate these new templates for humanity is equally profound and enlightening. After our session I felt a connection and an energy which allows me to be more present and observe on a deeper level. The shifts feel like a new center in me – it truly is amazing!” Sam, Malmo Sweden
“I know I have a lot of wisdom inside of me but it was with DeAnne’s loving wisdom and clarity of dimensions that I began to make the connection between what I knew and who I was being. Without saying a word, she invites you to be your truest self which helped me to find so much clarity about my life. Thank you Thank you Thank you!” Victoria, Dubai
“Hi DeAnne, I’m just following up from our session last week to express my gratitude for taking the time that you did. The call was very confirming for me and I am certainly aware of much shifting within me. I continue to listen to your meditations daily and have just started reading The Shining Ones! Pure joy!” Big Gratitude, Catherine E, CT
Purchase DeAnne’s Special Offer #1
A Private Session with DeAnne
and the Shining Ones!
Value: $222.00
Your Divine Uniqueness Special Offer: $170.00
You save: $52.00!!
DeAnne’s Special Offer #2
Item 1. One month membership to DeAnne Live!
Item 2. 7 Days Of Light Body Meditations – an exclusive package for this special offer!
Item 1: Membership at DeAnne Live
With this Special Offer you receive a one month free membership at DeAnne Live. Members of this New Human community enjoy:
New Human Transmissions
– Ongoing 1.5 hour live webcasts by DeAnne
– 200+ archived webcasts
– If you’re enjoying this Your Divine Uniqueness show with DeAnne, you will love her webcasts!
“Listening to your webcasts (archives) daily has reminded me of the feeling I used to get when I would visit a church and just feeling the wonder of God inside of me.” Audrey F.
“I could so feel the compassion and love you have for humanity in this transmission. And that poem about the worm hole…..Oh my God! I rewound and listened to it six times. I wanted to feel it over and over….it was strumming me like a guitar. Thank you so much for being there….softly beating the drum….providing a place to turn for like frequency, vision and encouragement.” Jean, DC
“Your webcasts are like a lifeline to everything which is truly meaningful to me in this life. While listening to you I am transported, even if only for a short time period, beyond the mind’s daily worries, to the magical Center within. Thank you so much DeAnne, for continually holding the light so strongly in this world.” Victoria T. New York
“Good Morning DeAnne, I listened to your most recent webcast yesterday. My socks were knocked clean off. The message spoke direct to my heart. And the meditation was off the charts. At the end I was laughing and crying at the same time. Thank You for being you, showing up and sharing with us all so sweetly and powerfully. You Rock DeAnne. I Love You!” Kathleen Chambers
“Yesterday I listened to your webcast again so deep and one of the immediate benefits of it was that the headache that I’d had for a week from slipping on the icy road had left me. What a relief! I can feel the presence of the Shining Ones in my home when I listen to you. You give us always so absolutely wonderful photos and music on your website with such a tangible atmosphere, they are so etheric, like from spirit world, so much light and beauty shines from them- thank you ! Big big blessing to you ! Yours, Dagmar in Finland“
DeAnne’s last New Human Transmissions on August 2nd was almost 2 hours long! This webcast included information on the Lion’s Gate and the upcoming Fall Equinox; a prana breathing exercise; a message from Archangel Melchizedek; a beautiful meditation: “Higher Self Merge” with the music Om Namah Shiviya by WAH; and so much more!
Purchase Special Offer 2, with a free membership to DeAnne Live, and listen to this amazing webcast and the 200+ archived webcasts!
Free ebooks! Members may download DeAnne’s books in Kindle, ePub or indexed PDF format.
The Shining Ones
Ambassadors of a New Age of Light
At a time when the world seems to be irrevocably out of balance, an Advanced Light Race from the Galactic Center returns to the Earth plane to usher humanity into a new genetics of being. It is no longer a question of can we imagine peace in our world with a more equitable and sustainable future~ the evolutionary marker of our time is, who are we ready to be!
The Shining Ones are known throughout the Cosmos as Master Geneticist – they carry the higher octave harmonics of humanity’s attunement to a 5D World. Through the New Human Templates of Love, Harmony, Joy, Unity, Co-Creation, Abundance and Sovereignty, these benevolent, wise and unconditional luminous ones are here to mirror the remembrance now activating in the human DNA. Read More…
Published: 2013 ~ 100 chapters ~ 365 pages
This book is alive! By that I mean that I sense the actual transmission of the light codes as I am reading it. What is channeled here is very pure, uplifting energy encoded by light.” ~ Nancy F.
“I recently finished reading “The Shining Ones…….”. I underlined and earmarked many pages to refer back to, for the book is filled with wonderful information for those of us who are awakening and want to know more. I like this quote from the book: “All is transforming now by the energies of love, trust it all as love, see it all as love, elevate your sight to the frequency of love and the 5D world will manifest effortlessly at your feet-returning all to love.” We are blessed to have DeAnne Hampton and The Shining Ones with us at this time to assist humanity in awakening to who and what we truly are” ~ Judy W.
The New Human
Understanding our Humanity
Embracing our Divinity
The New Human is a timely work written with the implicit intent to provide a foundation of understanding about the humanity we are part of today, as well as a template to radically change our way of being and interacting in the world. For a new world to be born on planet Earth, one of peace, harmony, inclusivity and love, these virtues of the heart must first be born within each individual. The New Human provides the instant comprehension of our individual responsibility to step out from the conditions of limitation and fear and into the freedom of becoming empowered representatives of a new world.
It is a very fierce Soul that wants to have life and deepen the well always of our understanding and awareness of Self – through other. It is through grace and a luminous mind that one can appreciate the exquisite way spirit invites us into our own participation with the rich complexities of this life. We all must truly see clearly now, allow the LOVE in fully and get about the work of authenticating SELF into the power and service of the magnificent transformation of this rare blue planet. The New Human is an invitation of pure essence, love and promise for ALL people… it is impregnated with an unapologetic yet unassuming sweeping up of all who are ready to love Self and BE the truth of who they are. Read More…
Published: 2008 ~ Pages: 100
“The New Human by DeAnne Hampton” This is a book that requires you to read and re-read in order to extract the deeper meaning and vibration of the words. I feel this is some of the first information and guide lines we need in order to create and manifest the new human of the future as we strive to live up to our highest potential on the new earth.” Tanya P.
“DeAnne’s book will serve as a welcome beacon on your path. Her prose carries a message that is at once relevant and comforting, and instantly timeless. She transcends the portals of space and time to illuminate the next phase of human development: The NEW Human.” Scott Nuce
“I only needed to run my hand over the top of this book to feel the energy and wisdom it contained. I consider The New Human to be as important as the Keys Of Enoch, it stays right by my bed for constant reference. ” Maureen Moss, World Puja/Thrive
“I think everyone should have the book!! Every time I open it up, there is such meaning and relevance to what I’m reading….it’s kind of a miracle really! It’s right next to me now!!” Deb L. ~ New Haven
DeAnne Live members also enjoy ongoing new content in:
Time Out ~ meditations, music, and magical moments with Gaia
5D Forum ~ members only conversations with DeAnne on lifestyle, diet, nutrition, shared recipes and more
Item 2: 7 Days Of Light Body Expansion
These meditations are a co-creative experience between the Shining Ones and myself – they are a beautiful synergy between earth/humanity and the galactic Center – or New Sun.
The attunement is a vertical dispensation, calling undisciplined energy inward and up to an alignment of remembrance with the Divine Self, the Divine Feminine and very pure light frequencies, Source energies. Each New HUman meditation comes from love, in the moment, in response to the current ascension movement at any given time. They are relevant harmonics designed to drop the mind beneath the constant chatter of the personality matrix and align the participant with the deep heart of Divine intention. They are timeless and light encoded such that each time you meet them, you will experience them differently. They will speak to and activate new and different levels of consciousness and energy within your light-body matrix.
With the guidance of the Shining Ones, I have personally selected 7 meditations for this special offer – you could say they were chosen just for you. The suggestion is to use them in the order they are presented here, for 7 consecutive days, first clearing a sacred space and then setting an intention, before settling into a guided journey experience. Within the initial 7 days, you will start to notice a resonate field of new energy surrounding you that will begin to communicate with you on a cellular level. Trust and allow that field of energy to speak to and guide you into your own personal rhythm of working with them thereafter.
This package was specially designed for you to create a portal to higher frequencies of Light, wisdom and remembrance. May it assist you in aligning with your highest good, service and love at this time – for the greater good of all.
With Love, DeAnne, the Shining Ones and Gaia, the Earth Mother.
Purchase DeAnne’s Special Offer #2
One month membership at DeAnne Live
and the 7 Meditations album
Value: $70
Your Divine Uniqueness Special Offer: $47.00
You save: $23.00!!
Here is what you will find on the 7 Days of Light Body Expansion album:
Day 1 ~ New Human Chakra Balancing Meditation (17:45)
I received this meditation in the Shining Ones vortex forest which makes it very special to me. We each have the capacity to see and interact with the vibrational world, to read the codings of sacred geometry, color and light.
This meditation will tap into that innate skill, both anchoring the new frequencies more fully into the physical vessel and while awakening dormant potentials, Divine wisdom and the spiritual gifts, within.
Day 2 ~ Quantum Pause with the breath Meditation (9:22)
Music: Om Mani Padme Hum by Kimba Anin
The breath is an essential tool to the awakening process. Conscious, steady, equanimous breath. When we become truly intimate with our breath, we begin to realize we are not controlling the breath. The breath is in fact, consciousness inhabiting the physical vessel as a way to experience life. In addition to a consistent new habit of balancing and grounding the chakras, developing a conscious and consistent relationship with your breath is an important step in expanding the light body and embodying vibrational wisdom.
Day 3 ~ Flower of Life/Spirals/4-Directions Meditation (11:16)
This is a truly radiant meditation with visuals and energy sequences to marry the masculine and feminine energies, the anima and animus and to assist you with remembrance. Every human is essentially wise and came fully prepared to master the separation and challenges in the dense reality as well as collaborate and work in unison with the Earth Mother, the elements and all her kingdoms. This meditation employs many channels of light and assists in connecting the personality aspect with all the wondrous currents of frequency in the vibrational world. You will feel a deep sense of Unity and connectivity as you commit to and embody the energy of this meditation.
Day 4 ~ Personal Power/3rd Chakra Meditation (8:34)
Music: Transfer Blue Station Michael Shreive
A thoughtful meditation directing the conscious thinking mind, identity aspect, to deeper contemplation, aligning with greater power and responsibility in creating reality. For the greater part of our history on Earth, our lower chakras, including the solar plexus have operated from a vibration of survival, scarcity and fear. That is, thankfully changing as this new light pours into and helps unify the 7 energy centers of the body as one, co-creative and balanced channel of energy.
I advocate developing a personal relationship with all the chakras, as individuals expressions and capacities of Self. This meditation will assist in embarking on that intention with your personal chakra system.
Day 5 ~ Oneness Meditation (12:47)
Music: Surrender by Peter Kater & Carlos Nakai on A Song for Humanity
The heart and Soul of the Ascension Process is Unity. New Tribes are forming and gathering for the sake of a new Unity of shared existence, co-creative power, community, cooperation and shared gifts. Many of us were together at other key, transformational times in this planet’s history and planned this time of reunion in collaboration with very new, pure light frequencies that would assist with this time and era being different than any other before it. This meditation is both an expression of gratitude for what is here now and in honor of the depth of journey we have traveled just to be here in this NOW!
Day 6 ~ The Sanctuary Within (17:02)
Music: Surfacing and Integration by Kimba Anin
This meditation is a reunion with life, inviting in and joining with various energy currents that are an invaluable part of the human journey of remembrance. We have been long conditioned to think and feel ourselves separate from – and yet from the indigenous tribes and shaman elders to the diversity of Gaia’s nature kingdoms to the ocean and cetacean family of light, we are both blessed and surrounded with energy that vibrates with our truest nature. This meditation will empower the home you carry within and assist you with turning up the inner radiance, remembering your connection with ALL THAT IS.
Day 7 ~ A New Alignment, The Christ Within (15:04)
Music: Sanctuary by Shapeshifter
This year, 2015, is all about Alignment first – and then Mastery. These are the energies streaming and supporting our reach for the highest good in our individual lives and in the expansion and Unity of our world. You will find and experience a deep communion with our beloved earth, the Shining Ones, the Master Jesus, solar light energy, the rays of a New Sun and most importantly of all, Self love. This meditation is communicating directly not only with the cells but a new part of the brain, inviting the children and initiates of a New Earth out of the old dispensation of self and into a fullness of spiritual attitude. New Minds, New Bodies, New Hearts – this is the radiance, power and gift of the New HUman now emerging in our world.
A Private Session with DeAnne and the Shining Ones!
Value: $222.00
Your Divine Uniqueness Special Offer: $170.00
You save: $52.00!!
One month membership at DeAnne Live and the 7 Meditations album
Value: $70.00
Your Divine Uniqueness Special Offer: $47.00
You save: $23.00!!
About DeAnne
DeAnne is a Global Teacher of the Vibrational World and 5D Earth. A Keynote Speaker, Sound Healer, Radio Host and Author, DeAnne works with transformational energies and the Advanced Light Race known as the Shining Ones to activate DNA, awakening individual and Collective Consciousness to new lives of meaningful purpose. Learn more…