Our body knows that it belongs to life, to spirit.
It is our minds that make our lives so homeless.
John O’Donohue
I have been inspired to create this offering in support of key transformation points that are happening throughout this year. 2020 is a time of Unity, of a new harmonizing of our world. It is a time of clarity as the old creations dissipate in the New Light of a higher vibrating truth. The most powerful thing we can do to remain centered in the true Self is to reconnect and reunify with the true Earth; Gaia.
I AM creating a 5 day container of sacred immersion with the Earth that incorporates simple but powerful use of yoga and breath, all while hiking magnificent landscapes in the ancient Carolinas. An essential understanding of both embodiment and your new human essence is that a new energy is present and most be integrated into our bodies and lives. Ideally, we express this energy everyday in movement, in breath, in our relationship with nature, in our thoughts and the manifestation of our truest desires. This experience is designed to show you how to weave all these ideals into a new relationship between your Self, our beloved planet and the greatly changing reality around you.
Hiking, Yoga, Breath, 2020 Immersion
A 5 Day Retreat Into Self
Asheville, NC
April 20 – 24th (Earth Day week!)
$333 energy exchange
includes transportation to and from guided day hikes.
We are anchoring, making physical these New Earth realms and overriding the lower vibrational realms through our Embodiment. Reconnecting and Reunifying with Gaia (5D Earth) is key to this Embodiment. Using sacred geometry and the direct input of the Mother, the “map” of this experience will be designed around those participating – all for the purpose of activating new DNA. This year is offering great assistance to the Self becoming a new expression through amplified new stargate openings and flows. Come and join me in a joyful experience of reunion with the New Earth, with the new Self and the felt harmony of remembering home.
THIS YEAR, THIS NOW – requires a strong focus for the Ascending Collective as we embody our true power and service. This retreat will fill you up vibrationally from the inside out, teaching you new and significant ways to connect with the Earth, follow energy and see the 3rd and 4th dimension from a higher perspective and understanding. This facilitates inner calm and clear seeing as we navigate a very new reality of experience, personally and collectively.
OH! The places you shall go! (Dr. Suess)
Asheville is a happening place – wise to get your accommodations locked in SOON!! I have a list of hotels and air bnb’s that I have gathered for New Human visitors over the years. I AM happy to share these when you register – and to support your own personal search for lodging that suits you.
P.S. if you have never done yoga – no worries. The stretches and breathing techniques I will be sharing on our hikes are accessible to everyone and important tools for moving and integrating energy, ongoing. You are going to feel BRAND NEW!!!
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