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Join DeAnne Live
Join the growing community at DeAnne Live! Your membership includes daily energy posts and vibrational attunements to 5th World and a new consciousness paradigm, plus:
- ongoing live New Human Transmissions & 200+ archived New Human webcasts
- 30+ guided meditations from the webcasts ~ listen and download
- free downloads of DeAnne’s books (Kindle, ePub & PDF formats) ~ a $30 dollar value!
- listen to DeAnne read select chapters from her books – priceless!
- member only 5D Forum supporting the transition to a 5D World and light-body.
- “Timeout” space inviting surrender and peace via music, meditation, video and nature experience.
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DeAnne sends out an email 2 or 3 times a month. This includes announcements for The New Human Transmission webcasts and other events. New members are automatically added to the list.
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Contact DeAnne
Connect with DeAnne at any time to just say hello and lend support, or inquire about DeAnne’s many services.
Email DeAnne at:
Or by Post: 60 D Clement Dr, Asheville, NC 28805
For member and web site queries, please email:
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