The Return Path

The Return Path as an inner knowing and Cosmic vibration has been my compass since I was a small child. It is a frequency of Truth that every human on this planet carries within. It is that deep longing that many on the spiritual path call HOME. The Return Path is not elusive and only accessible to a minority of wise souls on the planet. It is the understanding of ENERGY, knowing ones Self as energy and the capacity to navigate the Maya vibrationally.

This offering, an extension of the Cosmic Return Path that calls humanity to awakening, is Evolutionary Guidance for unprecedented times, a shakti pat of tools, technique, intuition, insight, consciousness and energy based in 5D World. We are transmigrating to a new existence, a new understanding of what it means to be human and an evolved way of interacting with each other, the earth and the greater realms of existence.

The Return Path is a monthly guidance program created to support you within the ongoing shifts and changes initiated by very new ascension energies. The New Reality anchored in December of 2020 – 5D Existence is here, the gates are open. It is so important to have a support system in your personal reality that teaches through energy, empowering you as an energetic being. The probable world of our future as a species, is a world created through intent and the wise use of energy consciousness versus thought. When we understand ourselves as energy and begin interacting with every facet and person of our life in this way, we automatically shift our awareness and reality to a future orientation, to an innate and inner power.

There is no separation between you and me, we are in a synchronistic flow within the time/space continuum of all existence and as such, I AM able to freely tune into your field of energy with your permission. I can see where you are participating in your reality through unconscious programming and likewise seeping energy from your bio-energetic matrix and core power. Once you have committed to aligning your Higher Self Matrix with the personality identity, within the intent of this program, our energy is automatically connected and you will receive energy sustenance in accordance with your current momentum of spiritual growth. In addition, each month we will connect on a designated day via email or phone and recapitulate the last month in your reality. We use the energy and information of your chakra systems along with the working details of your everyday reality to help you fine tune every aspect of your life, from relationships, profession, heath, creativity and spiritual joy back into alignment with your Divine Purpose and Authentic Nature.

As a Sound Healer, DNA Activation Teacher, Energy Intuitive and Teacher of the 5th Dimensional World, I use frequency, harmonics, tone, vibrational awareness and empathic intuition to “follow” the energy of your life-scape, suggesting tools, technique and insight to assist you in growing your vibrational awareness and empowered participation within your own life and the greater world. Each person is unique, so the program varies with each individual, but you are an active participant in rewriting the script of your own life story within the Journey of Light. One of the most critical pieces of embodying the soul into a greater awareness and power of Self, is to surround yourself with those of equal or greater vibration and to learn the language of Energy Consciousness and Light. The Shining Ones, who are an integral part of humanity’s New Crystalline DNA, will be directly assisting in this process. This program is a successful initiative with 12 years of clientele worldwide who have enriched their journeys and made great and lasting changes in their awakening.

  • Discuss your personal path privately with a High Vibe Guide
  • Receive guidance on issues that you are facing in your life
  • Receive confirmation on choices and decisions that you are facing
  • Find support and guidance as you integrate your soul into daily life
  • Explore topics of interest on your spiritual journey
  • Ask questions to help you understand how to integrate the Higher Truths into your everyday life
  • Discover who you are and why you are here
  • Uncover who you are in a place of openness, safety & trust
  • Express yourself in a place of Unconditional Love, free of judgement
  • Work energetically to create shifts in your overall energy field
  • Discover past-life imprints that may be causing issues in your life today and clear them

The Return Path

Monthly Embodiment and Alignment Program – $333.00

6 Months Minimum Commitment

Feel free to email me for an initial consultation.

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