It It Real, It Is Possible, It Is Yours

do-not-let-your-fire-go-outGood Morning Light Tribe,

WOW what a NOW we find ourselves in! I was high in very new, pristine terrain in the Shining Ones woods yesterday. My intention was to get Bodhi worn out and my Self FILLED UP before heading out of town for the next 4 days! And where that mission was definitely accomplished – I was also charged with a tremendous assignment from the Shining Ones to be executed and posted by the time I left town today! HAHA!! Their presence was so clear and with loving authority in streaming to me the quite massive new post you will find in the 5D Forum, Embodying Dimensional Changes! were equally as clear that this sharing of light intel needed to be both a written post AND an mp3 file, the reasoning is included in the post. Suffice it to say that as the hours were winding down on a day I needed to be packing and baking and getting gifts from the mountains wrapped for the flatlanders 🙂 that mp3 file has a LOT of adlib as well as being quite humbly unedited! The most important thing was for me to get this post up for my New HUman community and Light tribe for you all to hang out with while I am out of town and begin working with as an objective for the New Year. 

The energies continue to be quite charged with photonic acceleration and magnificent Christed Light invitation for the True Self. Revisit the December 6th webcast for awareness of the Christmas gateway – and tune into the SUN for attunement to the strong, radiant feminine component present as the TRUE GIFT extended to hUmanity this holiday season. Rise with this New Light like the Sun itself on a NEW DAY – there is a profound merge underway of the Higher and Lower Consciousness that is allowing for increasingly lucid states and new levels of vibrancy! Just WOW! I feel the true Christ radiance busting through all the old belief systems, superstitions, judgements and fears surrounding this Master teacher. The Divine New HUman is stepping forth into new positions of power, healing, teaching and leadership. In this time of miracles and softened hearts around the world, hold high the intention of Unity Consciousness as the prevailing force in our world – one that will overcome all deception and old agendas, all obstacles and limitations. It is indeed, a NEW DAY – I AM so grateful to be walking this path of Light and ONENESS with you! BIG LOVE, DeAnne

Posted in New Day
One comment on “It It Real, It Is Possible, It Is Yours
  1. Joyful Judy says:

    Oh boy! I was hoping/intending that there would be another message from you and The Shining Ones before you left. Thanks.

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