Full Moon, Solstice Gate, Living In Your Truth

6 Pointed Star – Creator’s Star
And the vibration of this powerful year 2022.

6 Attributes:
Connects above and below,
reconciliation, intellectual creativity, discrimination,
imagination, union, love,
taking responsibility for choices.

Planets: Venus and Uranus


Namaste’ New HUmans,

I have an Earth, Pachamama, Gaia, Mother story to share with you as we approach the Solstice Gate. It was early morning and I was following a new trail system in the Shining Ones Forest. Listen for the metaphor here. The trail is an ascending spiral with a fierce elevation gain. Less than half way up the trail, I began to feel a strong magnetic force that my DeAnne aspect first interpreted as the Earth pulling me into her, a downward motion. I could imagine myself quickly being absorbed into the soil. As I continued to walk on and feel, the observation shifted to perhaps it was my energy field grounding down, rooting into the Mother. And then, the awareness that both of these sensations were really the same, a simultaneous motion – this very strong, felt sense of the cells in my body, body awareness, body intelligence, attuning to Her frequency, vibration, wisdom, as One. I felt in this experience, now more than ever as we approach the Solstice Gateway, that we must move with Gaia: New HUman, no minds, unified heart, body and mind with Pachamama. It was another moment of the “tip of the arrow” metaphor I have written about and spoken to often on the New HUman transmissions… a simultaneous movement of leaving and arriving, of dying and being born, of Earth and Humanity ascending together, as One. 

I continued on after this very intent interaction between human being and planetary being… and as I climbed, I experienced a slightly disorientating sensation of being inside the ascension spiral, ( think Dorothy’s house in the Wizard of Oz) so a movement happening all around me and interdimensionally, WHILE I was also moving my physical body as I walked. This dynamic of energy, moving in the physical while feeling and aware of this greater RISE of New Energy ascending in our world… several times I had to squat down and place both my hands on the earth, to stabilize myself.

It is true, interdimensional experience and communication when out on the Earth is not new to me. In the experience I shared above, I felt the Gaia Realms both carrying me and holding me. It felt like a “mother”, with such patience and care, guiding my human aspect to surrender more, to trust her more and in doing so, to trust my Self and my feeling nature. That is where this humanity’s power and strength lie. This NOW is pregnant with Divine Merge, it is a perfectly tuned harmonic, a pure tone hertz frequency – communicating directly with our cells. It is not possible to be in the program of “other” when you come to the Earth, willing to be shown her wisdom and her love. We are very conditioned to live in the separation of the ego’s conscious, we are not so comfortable with not knowing. Those of you who know me well, know that I would follow Her anywhere. And do, often, into the folds of her living breathing essence. I feel this is important to share with you coming into the Solstice Gate. This Oneness Remembrance, deepening into Heart Consciousness, the Unity of who we are as Light and who this planet is, as Light – both as ascending beings, is significantly amplified with this “turning point” of the Summer Solstice, 2022.

I spoke to the Solstice energy in the June, New HUman transmission. http://deannehampton.com/webcast-page This is a reminder and upliftment in support of your highest, crystalline experience as One returning home to Self, to the Mother of your heart, to Oneness, passing over a threshold on Tuesday, June, 21, 2022. What is your personal turning point expression? How many times have you said, “I would if I could”, or “I really should”, or “someday I will”, or “I want to but I can’t”? These are statements that render you powerless and can easily turn into energy leaks. Let me just remind you here that you DO know exactly why you are on the planet at this time, why you came, along with the powerful and unique wisdom you have come to share through your gifts. I encourage you to CREATE SPACE, GET STILL, GET OUT OF YOUR ROUTINES and COMFORT ZONES and wherever you are in the world, to open your whole heart and being to Pachamama, to where she would have you be on this “turning point” day in the ascension of a world.

Use the energy of the solstice proactively as a way to honor some turning point in your life. Create your own beautiful, creative, mindful ritual or ceremony and trust your self in whatever unfolds. Choose something that you have been either procrastinating or on the fence about and make a solid decision about it. I tell you, my path and my Earth walk at this time in my journey demand that I be fierce on a daily basis. What is your fierce in this Now? Perhaps you are clear on something you want for yourself based on the reality check of your own truth. Don’t think! Have compassion for the ego with all its scars and emotional traumas. And remind it that the New Operating System humanity is being called into has compassion, healing and love enough for ALL of you to step into the full embodiment of who you are. Taking a step forward usually comes with needing to release something that has been holding you back. It could be fear, doubt, confusion, or something more tangible like the attachment to a person or physical item that has provided you with a sense of security, like a job, personal environment, or relationship.

Every turning point comes with risks! But there is an opportunity with this Gateway to set yourself up for a new adventure, to write a new story. If it feels scary – welcome to being fully ALIVE and stretching your capacity to trust your truth and set your compass based on that truth, while giving your intentions over to spirit. There is no way your mind will be able to come up with the instruction manual of how you will achieve your dreams. But the Mother knows. And she is both conspiring and collaborating with the entire cosmos on behalf of the human family. Trust your heart and know that every wish, every dream, every vision and prayer is welcomed into the Universe.

Additional supports as we near the Solstice Gateway:

Tuesday June 14, 7:52am eastern
Sagittarius is the Arbiter of Truth!

Also known as the strawberry moon, this Full Moon can lend power to your choices and commitments. Get very clear on your intentions in support of a turning point in your life at this time and then send it out into the Universe with gratitude, faith and trust in what is unfolding.

Breathe into the knowing that everything is aligning to support the ascension of this planet and her sentient beings. The new future so many of us know in our hearts, it comes and gathers us up as we create more light through our actions and behaviors. In this way, the future is looking for us, the light warriors with impeccable hearts and no fear ~ it will find and bring us into this new reality. It is not about who we have been or what has come before, it is who we are in this now and the connection we all share.

Everyday – if even for a moment – this gnosis inside of me is grateful for what I do not yet know about my life and the days ahead… tune into that – feel into that future, because it is bright and beautiful and free.

Love Always, Love ALL ways,
DeAnne and the Shining Ones

Posted in New Day
10 comments on “Full Moon, Solstice Gate, Living In Your Truth
  1. Kathleen says:

    Once again, you have provided the wisdom and guidance that I do not find anywhere else. This is particularly important for the upcoming Full Moon and Solstice, as other sources have not given me guidance that holds meaning at this time. I’m so very grateful for you.

    • DeAnne says:

      Gratitude Kathleen, I AM so very grateful for you too! As I share often on the show, what is created here, all things New HUman, Shining Ones, Christ Consciousness, New Earth… the ALL of you are part of creating. So thank you for being here now – we are mirrors of one another and together, becoming whole. ❤️

  2. mark says:

    Contact! Disclosure! The Excitement of the June 5 webcasts so palpable. Heady! I kept on getting an image of a scene that I lived in many variations as a child and recognise from a multitude of illustrations in children books. A group of children come upon previously hidden treasure! Perhaps in a cave. Perhaps in a wood. And the treasure is glowing: radiating a magical new light that is reflected in the children’s faces as a mixture of excitement, pure wonder and an exuberant sense of something breathtakingly new having come in existence. “This is the new energy that is exploding in our cells…….
    this is Kali! This is Shiva, Isis! Fierce primal mother energy that is gaining momentum and saying. ‘No More!’ And you are a piece of her hologram.” I listened to this webcast twice as I often do. And this time there we so many ‘refrigerator magnet’ or bulletin board of even t-shirt worthy quotes that I sort of went overboard writing them all down. And nobody needs me to quote DeAnne’s webcast back to them. But there are -at least- two things that to me are SO essential and SO reassuring that I really want to repeat them here. In the past I have often felt a little overwhelmed by the urgency of DeAnne’s messages in her webcasts. I often felt that maybe there was something I might be missing or miss. Something that I wasn’t quite evolved enough to embody. Then here in the webcast, at around minute 54′ she says. “If we let technology sort of take us over we are going to lost capabilities that we have still have as humans. Compassion, empathy. love, the consciousness of unity. Instinct and the deep, deep remembrance that not only did we come for light but we ARE LOVE!” And I thought… ‘Those are the very capabilities that I care most about. Every day!! What I am most conscious of wanting to embody. And then really for all of mankind. Sort of as an extension of the prayer a the close of the webcast.
    “If you ever wonder. Do we all have that pure part inside of us. That pure consciousness.
    The answer is yes.” hmmm. I am quite sure that I have NEVER seen a MORE beautiful
    message than that on a t-shirt!

    • DeAnne says:

      Gratitude Mark, very appreciative that you enjoyed the June webcast and found insight and illumination. That is always the intention. That sense of urgency that you feel, I have felt ALL my life and honestly, do my best to present what I AM being given with as much tenderness, love and joy as I can while still making provocative points! I also always appreciate your expressive, “extra mile” story telling!😉 I often think there could easily be a New Human book of quotes!! I saw this yesterday and it resonated down deep! “Burdened With Glorious Purpose.🙏🏽” Love to you!

      • mark says:

        This last webcast was a gold mine, a jewel mine! Of powerful, notable, extensively pondérable quotes! It was kind of overwhelming in a wonderful way. I think the quote that most represents the moment we are in throughout the webcast is. “Forget everything that you know. Then begin.” I repeat that, I say that. I ponder that. And then I can only breath!

  3. ruty says:

    I now read the above. Thank you DeAnne, Shining Ones.
    for 2,3 weeks-I kept scripting in my head ‘ how IT , the ‘bursting’ NOW (All That IT…?) felt to me repeatedly.

    There’s a huge (oopss, my spine goes…)storm. avalanche that runs over what’s a head of it, a consuming fearless fire …purifying !
    The aftermath is destruction – NO loss or pain tho. JUST IS. underneath this wreckage- a Brand NEW Flower, still green, no color yet- about to burst open with Nobel Humility ,no excusing of it’s audacity of Absolut Surety: It’s safe & it’s time to rise to Bloom. like a kid who walks into a dangerous place unaware there’s something a miss or dangerous.
    It looks like The LOTUS.so fresh ! Rejuvenation.
    May IT BE SO and SO IT IS.
    The song pops up again :”ev’body loves somebody always ,all somebodies love each other too. now humanity in unity- 1 heart 1 pulse, 1 WHOLE.
    LOVE we are & never been anything else. Love from Each & To Us ALL.

    • DeAnne says:

      “LOVE – we are and have never been anything else.” Perhaps are greatest remembrance Ruty! Thank you, as always, for sharing. ❣️

  4. ruty says:

    I feel to requalify my sentence below that appears out of world’s reality :
    “The aftermath is destruction – NO loss or pain tho. JUST IS. underneath this wreckage- a Brand NEW Flower, still green…”

    In this WAS/IS world-The known OLD paradigm ,The PASSE’-is getting dismantled ,crumbling &there’s lots of loss &pain thru this process ‘t world over. I experience it personally.
    Yet, The New Green rising world -Lotus- when we’re IN IT -there’ll be no pain- only gain for walking thru it, rising (chin) above huge current onto calm soothing Living sea. it’ll take counting time but it’s here , underneath the wreckage.
    this flower doesn’t know the pain or loss. like a new babe smiling.

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