I close my eyes to selfishness, self-centeredness, self motivation and self denial~
for I know they reside in the house of fear. My eyes see not the defeat of small minds, the creations of big egos nor the cost of denying the inner voice for the illusion of worldly power.
I open my eyes to compassion, empathy, beauty, wonder and the shining spirit behind so many false facades because I know in Truth, that is all there is.
I walk into my faith with eyes wide open everyday knowing that I, along with everyone else, am a chosen one. Chosen by the Beloved. Chosen by my Self. Cherished in many realms. Loved, forgiven, uplifted and emboldened everyday… as if I AM the only One. When I choose to see only that Love in all my experiences, in all people and in the seeming chaos that spins the everyday world~ I know I AM living up to my highest potential and holding the promise of hope and true power for the evolution of the planet.
And so, with the eyes of my expanded Self that see through all dimensions of time, space and illusion… I have decided to carry my prayers; the ones waiting to be sent, waiting to be received, waiting for a resting place – I will carry those prayers on my back – so that when I come upon a fellow journeyer that still sees through eyes of discouragement and disillusion, I have a prayer close at hand to gift into their shadows.
Through the 3rd Eye of my innate wisdom I become a Light of Truth
for those who have not yet found their own.
(c) DeAnne Hampton
Dear DeAnne, this is absolutely beautiful ♡ thank you for the gift of your open heart and for the prayers that touch so many souls in so many dimensions ♡ you are loved ♡
Deanna ~
So Beautiful! Thank you!
✨?✨??Gratitude Ladies, it brings me much joy to share this understanding of existence!xo
Exquisite poetry in motion…..OM…….That I AM!
Thank you De Anne my beloved SisStar ((((((((+))))))))