Blessings Of Wonder and Light New Humans,
I find myself in a very reflecting, contemplative and meditative state this morning. As we stand before and prepare to walk into this week of magnificent invitation, energy and potential, it would serve all of us to really feel into and bring full awareness to these last couple of years; who we have been, how we have grown, what we’ve learned about ourselves and life and one another. In many ways, this Equinox – Blood Moon Gateway feels much bigger, more vast and significant than 2012 to me. And it is not to take away the extraordinary Shift that occurred 12/21/12. That Shift opened a new level of Crystalline potential within humanity and within our earth – and we have had 2+ years now acclimating to the new frequencies within and without – 2 years to make very different choices and accelerate our return to a higher residency of Light, of Peace and Harmony, Compassion, Forgiveness, Unity and Co-Creation. These are the new Divine Templates of the New Human. They have always been inside of us, but it is for each individual within the Collective Consciousness of our world to pivot to new life and new choices, a new foundation for relationships and a new level of responsibility in truly embodying these templates in our daily lives. That has been the momentum and foundation for the deep magnetic shifts in our planet, creating the veil thinning and immense opportunity this week. There are very unique frequencies entering our Solar System that require consistent alignment, adjustment and flexibility in order to navigate these new spaces and do so again, with the Cosmic Solar New Human Templates. The closer you are to the magnetics drawing us into profound alignment with this Equinox Beam, the more calm, centered, deliberate and at peace you will feel stepping into this week. As powerful as the Gate is – the logic would be that we’d be anxious and unsure about what will or won’t happen. But that reflects a mental assessment of the phenomenon when surrender is the only true alignment with frequencies so high and vast. The outcome of these more intense passages are dependent upon the foundation you have laid, and your commitment to holding New Light in your consciousness, fields and body vehicle. Your ability to pivot and breathe into the new templates within all the 3D dynamics and mental/emotional gymnastics this week, is key.
I AM remembering my sky dive a couple of weeks ago with gratitude – and offer you the metaphor of a free fall. Today you leap out of the plane! The level of focus, trust, clarity of purpose and intention you can keep during the rapid movement freefall and SHIFT of this week through the blood moon – the more whole and “confidently you” – you will land in a new dimensional experience moving forward. This week is a profound gift – ultimately brought into existence by you! SAY YES, embrace it as an opportunity to be new, choose new, feel the love of these new frequencies and step into a new level of spiritual maturity on behalf of an evolving world.
Wherever you are in the world, I invite you to connect with the intention and frequencies of the New Human, New Earth Shining Ones Equinox Initiative this week. This group will be working with the Earth’s Grid on behalf of the current earth changes and imbalances – and in so doing, creating the stability necessary to bridge the worlds. I AM honored to be working with this group and celebrate their courage and willingness to create new life for themselves, and an ascending Collective. I AM guided to share some of the energetic influences we will be working with and engaging this week – so that you may incorporate them into your experience, as guided.
The “cloud” pictures you see in this blog are actually sylphs – Sylphs are Spirits of the Air and arrived in full force late last week on behalf of this initiative. Imagine the images you see in these photos moving with great speed up and down the rivers of the French Broad.
That is how they first appeared to me to and made their presence known. They and their water counterparts, the Undines, have come to help clear and purify the atmosphere of negatively charged energies. We will be working directly with the Elements of Fire, Water, Air and Earth, the Spirits of each element, the elemental kingdoms, the Cetaceans who have volunteered their assistance and wisdom in support of our efforts, the Ancestors, the Shining Ones, Ancient Sites and Lei lines via the Shining Ones Vortex, the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine energetics, the Crystalline Structures in the body, Gaia’s Crystalline beds and the crystalline grid all of which are unifying in Divine purpose to bring forth Christed embodiments on behalf of ALL.
Additionally, we will be activating and integrating the I AM templates via mantra, meditation, mudras given to me by the Shining Ones, Sacred Geometry, crystals that we will be using in alchemical ritual guided by the Shining Ones and later, embedding in the Earth. There is a yet to be identified race, new race of beings that have been hanging out at the Ancient Site the better part of this month – their presence along with various star races, Angelics and Ascended Masters will being joining us to assist with various rituals.
A reminder that the Shining Ones are both an Advanced Light Race and from the Galactic Center. They are known and beloved, revered and held up as Leaders throughout many dimensions and Cosmic populations. Their work is cellular, they are Master Geneticist and held in high regard for their capacity to UNITE existence at the highest levels – where we are ALL ONE – not separate from Father Mother God. This is the Unity of the Future – and the vibrational foundation for our capacity as HUman to co-create a 5D World. This initiative in the mountains will very much be a 5th World immersion, so tune in from the high mind and deep heart of your being to feel and participate in this Equinox Expansion. In 5D, there is no time, no space, no distance in between. Know that if it is your heart and intention – you are very much a part of this experiential embodiment of the New Energies. We welcome your presence, your support and your LOVE.
In Sunday’s webcast I talk more about the equinox gateway and how you can participate. Here is the highlight clip.
Breathe Deeply, Love Fully, say YES to this week Unconditionally and COME
to the Divine UNION present to ALL.
Gratitude, Love, JOY and Oneness,
Thank you for the invitation and all the wonderful work you are facilitating! I will be with you this week…Much Love and Light to you all…I’m so glad the Elementals are joining…the moment is at hand…such an exciting opportunity! xo,xo,xo
Yes thank you for verbalizing how we can be a part of this with you and your group, my love and presence will be with you. Very exciting that the sylphs and whales are present, woo hoo! i will be working in the water here in colorado with you. love you all, judith
I have awoken to vague REmembrance of another download during the night in a half asleep state & thus the need to connect & set my intention to BE with the Gathering of Light & Love/5D harmonics…..yes, yes, yes …….thank you my BEloveds xxx ??✨???????????????????????
WOW!! Now that is a bright, eclectic, colorful greeting Karen, your Intention is safely nestled with ours here – as ONE! ??✨??
I feel so close to you there, as if our Hearts are beating as ONE…
Thank you, DeAnne, for sharing how we can participate as well… I will be with you!!!
In deepest Love, Gratitude and Blessings to ALL,