Opening To Receive


Blessings of Wonder and Light New Humans,

We have entered a whole new realm of energy with November! I AM putting together a blog post with an incredible level of metaphor and invitation from these fantastical spaces of nothingness. The only thing allowing me to anchor the new activity enough to find expression is, of course, the natural world, Gaia, and more specifically so, this new crystal cascade I have discovered in the Shining Ones Woods. I captured a beautiful video to share of this liquid light energy so stay tuned to that. For now, know that we are making our way (remembering) into a completely new territory of energy, there is nothing to follow but our hearts, nothing to follow but love. The conscious thinking mind, conditioned self has no reference point in these new spaces, so to that part of self that relies on logic and reason and things it can define and explain and fit into predetermined spaces – this passage is going to leave you dizzy and unsure at best. Imagine what the logical mind would think if you found yourself floating through deep space – there would be a whole lot of squirming if complete madness didn’t set in first. Do not underestimate that “coming undone” will be the only recourse for many – the whole objective after all, is losing one’s mind! Not to chaos and anarchy, but to the heart, to an entirely different window of perception and understanding. So, we have movement at the speed of light in utterly unfamiliar and undefinable spaces that are leaving us equally euphoric and wiped out with fatigue. Welcome to the newest level of the new normal! And what the Shining Ones, along with many realms of light mastery and interested off-world observers keep offering as stability in all this nothingness, is to remain open! Liken the task at hand to being on the world’s grandest, highest, fastest and longest roller-coaster – and keeping your hands free – up in the air, holding on to nothing! all the while! THAT is trust. THAT is embodying the awareness that no matter how this looks and feels to the conscious thinking, egoic mind, that each moment is preparing the mind and body and heart to receive unfathomable life. You are encouraged to make this focus, unconditional receivership, the heart of your meditation, the beginning and ending thought to each day and your intention before every task and activity. “I need not understand anything that is going on, I need only LET GO in the experience of it and dissolve into love!” Because letting go with the mind, not thinking about or attaching to any of this process, relaxes the body temple and allows for transformation to take place. Nothing can keep your expansion and freedom from you except the mind communicating fear to the body and shutting down the prana of your innate and eternal being. So, no shoulds, no doubts, no judgments about where you are and what is happening, only receivership – accepting, allowing, relaxing into what is, knowing you are loved beyond measure and have all the mastery you need to be victorious and shine in this moment.

In Unity,
DeAnne and the Shining Ones

Posted in New Day
4 comments on “Opening To Receive
  1. Parise says:

    Wow , such profound words of wisdom … Deeply resonates !! How perfect to loose our mind ( control) to find our hearts !!! What a ride !!! Whoopee !!

    Much , much Love ,


    • DeAnne says:

      Sat Nam Parise, I AM always shining light in your direction and holding spaces of beautiful expansion for you – thank you for “dropping in” and sharing energy back into MY heart. Felt and received new human, with gratitude and love.?

  2. Smiley10 says:

    “I need not understand anything” ” LET GO” “Dissolve into LOVE” is now written on post it notes and placed through out my home and work space. Such simple ‘instructions’ and a reminder I always have a choice. Life – circumstances feel less complicated KNOWING and LIVING those profound words. Your New Day Posts continue to be the spark that lights my day DeAnne! Love you!!

    • DeAnne says:

      ♥ I was totally picturing post it notes all over the place Smiley10 – thanks for taking the baton and running with it! ;-)Spirituality is not complicate – being human is!

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