Good Morning Light Tribe,
Today is a NEW MOON! If you caught the first New HUman Transmission of the New Year last Sunday, you are aware that your transformation will take all of your focus with the magnitude of energies presenting this year. A New Moon is a powerful backdrop for the heart and intentions of your focus for the year ahead. The current gateway setting the energies for this year has created a stillness at this time that can feel a lot like non-movement, the mind will interpret that “nothing is happening” or that momentum has stalled. Take heart, this stillness is just an opportunity to gather your inner momentum, strengthen your intention and feel into the power emanating from the energies of love, community, joy, gratitude, wonder and most of all, CREATION. The year before you is a wide open space of beauty and light for you to fill in with the desires of your heart and the wisdom of your Soul. Breathe deeply ~ New Human and New Moon, as ONE. Love to ALL, DeAnne
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