Good Morning Light Tribe,
Since the Equinox my energy has been really strong – I feel a new core anchored deep in my body that is providing a new sense of center and greater balance. My mind feels more clarity and there is a new and brighter lightness present, overall. All that being said, I AM also aware of the need for deep and good sleep – more so than ever. I have always been good about taking care of my sleep time, holding it as a priority in my life. But with this newest Solar influx it is almost as if, when my body needs it, I AM being pulled by a gravity into deep rest ~ I feel an authority present that is communicating with my whole being, body and mind, to STOP and release consciousness. Sometimes it may be the middle of the day after a strong morning of flow and creativity and energy expenditure… even greater still though, is how deeply and far away I AM disappearing from the known reality at night! My guidance has gone so far as to urge me to go and get heavy dark curtains for the bedroom so that, if I AM not yet ready to return when the sun comes up – I may remain undisturbed! It’s really very cool.
I understand this phenomenon as a deeper level of integration in response to the new level of Christed Being and Crystalline DNA that has come on line with this powerful end of March into April sequence. And I feel, as well, that “we” are sitting in council with a much higher level of Mastery, our own Ascended presence and that of a very high level of guardianship and wisdom. I can “see them” in my minds eye and feel them clearly… I don’t yet have a read on location or race? if that is even important. What is important is the clear intel around a significant “bump up” for the physical aspect and the necessity of our following that new impetus with our thoughts, emotions and actions.
As we lift into more autonomy of Self and in relation to the truest existence around us, it is going to be imperative that we take care of the inner being, the wise Self, our interior world that is not concerned with schedules and routines and satisfying superficial needs. There is a tremendous deepening underway ~ we have entered a level of connection with the truest Self, Divine identity, that is completely new territory – unexplored, foreign, without a map or check list. This is a time to REALLY let go of the cargo ~ because the only essential ingredient is how intimately and lovingly you can merge with Divine You. And remember, in doing so, we lift the consciousness on the planet and elevate the level of spiritual, unconditional love we are able to extend to others… so it is a given that EVERYTHING we do for our own process in this new stage, we do for ALL. No exception. But YOU must come first and you must be clear, confident and strong in this refinement process as we settle into a new relationship with the Self. Rest, be gentle with your Self, drink plenty of water and know many are riding this transition with you into a higher love and a more conscious world.
The higher realms have really been talking to me about the torus energy that joined us on the show last Sunday! This pattern holds the key to a world that works for everyone! You don’t need to understand what that means to begin opening your mind and heart to the Torus Field. If you meditate on this energy – you will begin to see it everywhere, in everything – an apple, a storm, the human body, the throat, the ear, merkaba, aura, sri yantra, the cosmos… When you are completely still – you will remember this energy. It is a truer reflection of who you are than then image you see when you look in the mirror. It is an awakening piece!
A whole new cycle of life initiated with the April Aries New Moon, more compliment and support for the new levels available around and within us. Whether conscious of it or not, this humanity has been gifted unprecedented support with two transformational eclipses, bringing major endings to several areas of our lives. An additional piece I will talk about on the next transmission that occurred in Mexico is that we did family constellation work. A meditation has since come in for me to share with this new hUman tribe, to assist with healing ancestral lineages and in support of “us”, the evolving human, getting in to their right and true place in the world. With these cosmic and solar events happening one right after the other, the door to our old life is firmly shut and we have been birthed into a new world!
This is a time to be bold, courageous and decisive – as we ran a lot of energies around in the 4/10 webcast – April is a month of ACTION. Take initiative, be that in relationships that are unconscious, in healing emotions or getting rid of old habits that no longer serve, building on your dream, connecting with those who can facilitate your next step, shifting your social sphere to TRIBE ENERGY, etc etc. The energy here now is calling on each of us to blaze a new trail – explore uncharted territory and step fearlessly into the energy of Dharma, by the willingness to pave the way for others to one day follow! NEW NEW NEW ~ this whole month, you are empowered to step outside the old paradigm and start something completely new. If you dare!
Learning all we did about Kambo initially resulted in intellectual over load, which meant a lot of thought set in. Jim and I, as a unit, ran a lot of energies between mind and heart, wisdom and intellect, thought and emotion. Kambo is a powerful teacher, there is great and many faceted level of responsibility that goes along with being a facilitator. Our personal experience very much mirrors the greater energy to expect whatever expansion you are called into to be a dance between exhilaration and terror ~ this is the nature of being at the brink of new life no matter what the details. We are deepening in our ability to stand in our power and trust who we are and the roles we have come to share with the world. Some days you may feel like flying, the next like you are wading through mud with the mind full of buts and what ifs. Know there is energy present this month to help you cut through whatever is holding you back. The Soul is stirring through every cell and memory and emotion in the body at this time, calling each of us to bigger and better things, to clearing and truer life. No more hiding, no more playing small and making endless excuses about the reluctance to SHINE.
Life is evolving through us ~ there was so much beautiful light around this understanding in the 4/10 webcast! We will be birthed and we will arrive and we are always safe. In the Shining Ones woods after the show, out in the pure nature surrounded by so much love and support ~ my mind wandered briefly into an old pattern. In this area of thought, even when I bring the light and the shining ones in and my intention is strong, my mind seems to process the events and possibilities through a “glass half full” perception. This is an example of how deep the trenches of old paradigm thought and belief and concepts can be – that energy is strong and very determined to swallow you right up. But this inexplicable thing happened with this momentary walk through the trenches of an old thought pattern… suddenly and effortlessly, my mind shifted on its own, to the “glass half full” or MORE than full around the same thought. It really was a miracle. It was likened to looking at one side of a coin forever and having no idea there was another very different side, much less how to get there! This was a very lucid moment of experiencing first hand in a very personal way… “the door to our old life is now FIRMLY shut!”
If you are HERE, and being the Christed Self your most dominant desire – no attachment – the old patterns no longer have ANY power over you ~ and new life is plopped right down smack on your path, front and center in your mind, and emotions have been elevated to compassion and gratitude. Plain and simple. It is “ok” to feel both overthemoon with purpose and joy about where you are now – as well as, a little healthy dose of fear. EMBRACE IT ALL ~ keep moving forward, keep saying yes, and dare to blaze a trail in your new life that is so bright it goes out ahead of you and clears all potential tethers and triggers and would be obstacles on your path. YOU are a brave Soul, a pioneer here to co-create a new path of human consciousness with other brave Souls destined to do the same. Every step you take in the direction of more light, of greater freedom, in service and in love, changes the world in tiny but powerful ways. Stay close to flow and harmony of life that nurtures vibrational you, that feeds your joy and creativity, your innate desire for Oneness and your intuitive capacity to align with your highest good in each moment. These are expansive times designed for new beginnings for the purpose of empowering the greatest truth of who you are. HOW amazing is that, blessed are we that say YES and do so, with LOVE and only Love.
To Life! DeAnne and the Shining Ones
WOW! My Soul is Laughing and Dancing…So Much Joy! Thank You❤️
I LOVE this post! Some sentences I read more than once just to feel and affirm the ideas. The torus image comes in so handy. I imagine around me sometimes if I am stressed or as a way to clear my energy at the beginning or end of a day. Its a beautiful tool.
So much joy and gratitude here in this NEW day. Thank you for the sustenance! 🙂
I’m have been a little timid mouse since the webcast, hiding, shy, abit fearful, but soooooo wanting to come out and play in the NEW world of wondrous beauty, love & light. Here I AM…..stepping out…with my tribe….I might even turn into a Princess….lol!!!
Much gratitude for the Wisdom xxx Much LOVE xxx