Blessings New Humans,
Last night I went with great gratitude to see Trevor Hall at the Grey Eagle in Asheville. I have shared his gifts of music and love of the Earth here before, he is just an utterly magical, very awake and deeply passionate young many using his voice to empower people and educate them through the wisdom of a clearly ancient Soul. The concert and the people, the energy – the amazing opening act of Dustin Thomas (another revolutionary voice of both the people and love) and the Unity of those that gathered for this event was just a profoundly moving and inciting experience.
Trevor spoke and interacted with the crowd often – at times when he speaks you can’t help but wonder, “where did he come from to be so gentle, yet, as a Master in the level of awareness he shares. One of the moments he made a spotlight was that in which he focused on Standing Rock! Yes, he wanted to make sure everyone in that maximum capacity crowd knew of this historic event occurring in South Dakota ~ but the level of insight and passion he had about the injustice occurring and its ramifications on our future, was incredibly compelling and moving.
Several weeks ago he wrote a song to raise both awareness and funds to help with food, shelter and water for the people gathering at Standing Rock – so far, this video has raised over three thousand dollars. This song is dedicated to the water protectors ~ the lyrics and message are very moving; “Listen close my friend, this is happening!” If you are a rock, stand up like a mountain ~ One Love, One Message.”
Injustice anywhere threatens justice everywhere. It is so important that we do not think of this problem as something happening somewhere else to someone else! This is a pivotal moment for our species because not only is water sacred – it is our most precious and necessary commodity! For too long “the system” and an unconscious mechanism of power has been allowed to push on our humanity, backing it into a corner and threatening it via fear, manipulation and control. The absurdity of the current political reality in the US is the manifestation of a people who have allowed themselves to be bullied and beaten into silence and submission for too long! The wisdom of existence will always mirror what humanity believes about them Selves no matter how limiting and detrimental that belief may be. And yet, with consciousness, with the love and forgiveness, compassion and Truth of Sacred Life that comprises the heartbeat of existence – we are ALWAYS empowered to make a NEW CHOICE in who we are being – thus creating a NEW DAY!
Many beloved leaders, movers and shakers of Asheville are STANDING with the water people and indigenous ones, right on the front lines in South Dakota – standing up against this pipeline and its implications for ALL of our futures. Asheville Yoga Center’s beautiful kundalini teacher, Sierra Hollister, is the latest to put her family, her work, her personal well being and needs on hold as she travels this week to Standing Rock. I wanted to share some her insights and wisdom with you here – she is a LONG time protestor, demonstrator and advocate for human rights.
“We need to pay close attention to the Dakota Access Pipeline and the fight against it. At this point in time, our country is using the military to protect a private multinational corporation at the endangerment of its own citizens. That looks, seems and smells like fascism to me.
What price clean water? What price healthy land and community? You can’t get these things back when you lose them – and we know that with climate change, the best place for carbon is in the ground, untouched.”
She further went on to provide resources so that you too, can do your part. Traveling to South Dakota is not everyone’s to do – but there are things you can do to join in this fight and use your voice in a powerful way!
“All of us can choose to educate ourselves on the issue. The Standing Rock Sioux Tribe filed a complaint in federal court as “the construction and operation of the pipeline … threatens the Tribe’s environmental and economic well-being, and would damage and destroy sites of great historic, religious, and cultural significance to the Tribe. as well, the tribe’s drinking water is at risk. If you think about it – all of our drinking water is put at risk with this pipeline. To understand the forces arrayed against the Standing Rock Sioux – please follow this link to read an incredibly comprehensive article on the situation. and – to have the contact number for every law enforcement entity aligning against the people, including the governor of North Dakota, follow this link and read this article. and make the calls.”
If you don’t have time to read the links, please consider making these phone calls:
President Obama 202.456.1111 – ask for him to use his authority to revoke the permits and deny the Dakota Access Pipeline
White House Situation Room 202.456.9431
North Dakota Gov. Jack Dalrymple 701.328.2200 – ask him to look out for the interests of the citizens of his state and country, not Energy Transfer Partners (the multinational behind the pipeline)
The New Human Paradigm has advocated for many years the necessity of moving efforts and lifestyle choices in support of LOCAL, sustainable, community based influences and decision making. Encouraging you to use local banking institutions while drawing attention to the corporate players – shopping, dining and supporting small businesses for basic and daily necessities, sends a powerful message to the Goliath structures that are all weaving a deceitful web that cares very little for you and me. Neither will they take care of the people regardless of the promises they make. The same banks I have raised awareness on in regards to their unscrupulous business practices have been linked to supporting this pipeline project ie Bank Of America, Wells Fargo, JP Morgan, PNC Bank, Barclays, Bank of Nova Scotia… Sierra said there are 17 banks bankrolling the pipeline. There can be no more powerful statement regarding their actions than to close your accounts – and apply pressure from within!
We are NOT powerless. If you were one of the hundreds gathered in such a vibe of revolutionary harmony around this little indigo emissary of song last night – you would not doubt that there is a powerful force, a new and no longer silent tribe of humanity rising together as ONE GREAT, HEART CENTERED, I AM. THIS IS OUR TIME people… as so many are so knotted up with worry (emotion) and opinion (mind) around this election – what has really impressed me this last week is all the happy, imbued with light people I have encountered, everywhere “out there” in the flow of a greatly shapeshifting and transformative reality. This whole week within a reality and people so unsettled by the “out there” of our world… what I felt was a higher order, a higher love, showing me the New Day; a new possibility, a new choice, a greater mirror of a very different and conscious future. Everywhere I went this last week I encountered the tribe of my future, lit up from within, unbound by the tethered and unchangeable.
“Listen close my friend, this is happening!” If you are a rock, stand up like a mountain ~ One Love, One Message.” Do not doubt the very important and necessary thing that you can do to STAND TALL and USE YOUR VOICE for good in this NOW. Whatever stand you take, you are not standing alone. You join thousands of your brothers and sisters of a new human race that not only trust love – but know the power of love to transform and co-create a new reality that regards ALL life as sacred and equal.
Breathe Deeply into this NOW, New Humans ~ shine your love into this broken world and envision only Peace.
You are always in my heart and I wish for you, One Love ~
DeAnne and the Shining Ones
The brave warriors at Standing Rock are in my heart and prayers and have been for sometime now. Thank-you for the phone numbers. I am grateful for you DeAnne.