Hello Shiny New Humans Everywhere,
I shared with you when the December Gateway opened that we would have stretchmarks on our consciousness from the combined activity of a new administration in the U.S and the intensity of shifting to a new timeline for the human race. That work has begun in earnest. If we view what is unfolding with the mind and emotions, it will be increasingly difficult to remain peaceful and calm in the unfolding context of our world. The New Human, via myself, these transmissions over the last 8 years, the presence of the Shining Ones and more and more, the return of the Divine Feminine Ascended Masters, have all consistently emphasized and modeled a change in lifestyle that must accompany this ascension phase. We are no longer reading tenets and gathering phenomenon and new light intel – we are picking up the small self by the boot straps and confidently walking into new roles of responsibility and relationships with every little thing. NOTHING is the same! Life will never again be supported by the foundation of a history where we denied the True Self and allowed unconscious and manipulative power structures to define our existence.
The good news is ~ we have new and quite powerful resources to draw from, energies activating within Gaia and within our cellular structure that are creating opportunities for conscious, heart centered humans to begin to experience what it feels like to shift dimensions. 2017 is a critical year for humanity. We must come together in a new way, demonstrate our humanity in new ways, take control of our personal lives, needs, feelings and expression in new and confident ways and step into a new level of Collective Power, as we expand to balance the unconscious presence that is rearing its fearful head on our planet at this time. Remember, with great light and transparency – what is dark and in shadow gets magnified. Not only is this year an opportunity to redefine what is real and what is illusion, on both a personal and global scale – but in so doing, manifest a truer expression of what it means to be human in this NOW.
Come and join the New Human Consciousness and Energy as we explore the impact of the last month, the effect of the December Gateway, the “transition of power” that took place in January and the greater significance of the Million Woman March at this time in our evolving history. 2017, at its highest expression, will be a year of harvest for many, effortless transitions into more purposeful and meaningful and necessary lives. We will work a good bit with the breath, the light body, individual DNA and Collective consciousness in this webcast. Know that your presence alone, shifts the energy present and dynamics of everyone that joins in this experience. It is so important to keep gravitating toward community with like minded people that share the same intention. The energies here will assist you in your ability to remain anchored in the Sacred Heart, focused on the Ascension Path and without distraction by the lower reality falling away. When it is darkest, that is when the Light is strongest. Together, we will create a container for the highest possibilities in 2017 through crystalline consciousness, sound, lightcodes, harmonics, tones, meditation, breath and intention. This is the new lifestyle of the new human, embodying a new relationship with the existence around us in each moment ~ for the good of our world, for the good of everyone.
The New Human –
New Webcast/Wednesday, February 1, 11:11 am eastern
Theme: Energy Rising
Meditation: Creating A Container for 2017
Music: The Gayatri Mantra Artist: Cynthia Snodgrass
Beautiful upliftment ~ thank you DeAnne ????????????