Essence ~ Gateway Of Unification

Blessings Beloved Family Of Light,

There is an incredible level of devotion present in the field ~ new light enveloping us in a Universal Rewrite that is affecting the Collective on many different levels. Do not resist the waves, the ebb and flow of this rewrite ~ as it reveals alternating realities of the highest and densest of possibilities. Give the mind permission to be still as you adjust to new frequencies within and all around you. Cherish the days that feel like you are in love with everything and just want to celebrate the exquisite beauty that is life. Challenge yourself to remain emotionally neutral and equally grateful for the moments and days and experiences that dial you back to the stations with static and old fear. We are not being tested – we are being gifted New opportunity for NEW choices and NEW life ongoing, in this Divine Now.

May 19th -24th is a magnificent Gateway that is creating a trigger point for Unification with much higher levels of Self. The positive expression of this Gateway will be new levels of creation streaming in, inspiring new courage and vision and decisiveness around dreams and service. The negative expression or impact of this same gateway will be noticeable disruption from the inner child ~ temper tantrums, poor me-ism, I want what I want demands without any clarity or stability… essentially the emotional body wreaking havoc. It is all purposeful and an opportunity to polish your inner light. ANYTHING that is showing up that is dense or negative is there to “reveal” what is in the way of your service and alignment with the new timeline.

As I shared on the current New Human Transmission, (The Divine Self Emerging ) the 5D purer frequencies have truly kicked in since the Equinox ~  this is presenting a veritable fork in the road at this juncture of our spiritual journey. The Universal Rewrite is impacting us on a cellular level ~ this solar activity and crystalline energy is coursing through us much in the way these fierce and purposeful waters are flowing in the video above. What makes a river so captivating to people is that it doesn’t have any doubt – it is sure to get where it is going and it doesn’t want to go anywhere else. We must be like the river in this moment. We are moving into a whole new level of spiritual life, that of the Divine New Human. Devotion is the highest frequency of remembrance. You will feel and witness an uncanny correlation between what you hear and how you feel in seemingly unrelated aspects of your day… it is no longer about the details of 3D – the light is reverberating through the dimensions and densities, through all our experiences, causing crystalline core expansion in Gaia, which in turn causes expansion in our consciousness. What this means is that our feeling nature and our own higher levels are acting more and more in unison ~ the lower timelines (re politics! et al) are getting toppled by this light ~ keep your focus on YOUR world and YOUR devotion and the NEW LIFE that is calling you.

The initial acceleration beginning tomorrow – the 19th, will last through the New Moon on Thursday May 25. Whatever you are feeling or processing, breathe and do your best to remain in neutral, peaceful vibration. I encourage you OFTEN to write and share about your experiences here… this does many things: first, it creates for you a safe and listening space, widening the container of your experience. Secondly, it is an inclusive gesture that both invites others in (dispelling the power of the boogie man (ego)) and will quickly show you that you are not alone in your experience. It offers, as well, an opportunity for the wisdom and love of your light tribe, including me, to offer wisdom, compassion, insight and love. WIN WIN!!

Everything we are experiencing is in preparation for the powerful August gateway. More on that soon. Know that the lightworkers – those stepping out ahead with higher service and greater love as their soul objective – we are “tested” first by the new timeline experiences and energies to see how it will impact the collective later on. Often times this means getting hit pretty hard with psychological fallout from strong, dismantling mind control programs.

Stay with the light – with Gaia – SEEK FERVENTLY the Mother and the steadfast peace, wisdom and healing she provides. I recently took a woman from NY out on a full day vortex experience. The day, the nature, the vortices and essence present could not have been more perfect. Yet, this woman left with disappointment. Why? She had a very specific agenda of what she was wanting to experience from the light, she had a preconceived idea of what needed to happen in this experience to feel as if she was making progress, moving forward in her life and ready for the “what next” of her experience. Such a shame, indeed, as the Earth Mother and all the vortex energies were wide open with their love and energies of support. The message here, (which this being was not ready for but I pray you all are) is that this timeline shift and the service involved takes high-level neutrality, being truly present and in the heart within every experience… if there is any expectation at all, let it be that the moment you are in is perfect and the light is there and the entire Cosmos desires your mastery and fulfillment on every level. Please avoid forcing the agenda in any way, as that does not serve the stability of Gaia’s magnetic grids, nor the collective’s state of consciousness at this time. Everyone must take full responsibility for their own reaction to the Light as it increases. The faster you release your beliefs about control systems having any effect on your consciousness, the faster we release those systems. As always, it is up to us to un-create disharmony on this planet. Source-in-carnate DNA is built for creating the New.

In my Bhakti Yoga class this morning Michael asked, “if you knew you only had a year to live, what would you be doing differently… and why aren’t you?

I found this moment especially compelling within the context of this year of 2017. This is the year to claim the truth of who you are and the greater truth of what existence is. This is our time, this is our moment, this is our victory. Nothing is standing in the way of that. The entire year of 2017 is a multi-level operation to reveal the truth of the dimensional split. The current Gateway is very strong, a much higher frequency which must be stabilized by peaceful, centered conduits. Be responsible with this intel, Beloveds. Keep yourself clear and make no assumptions. Continue to command the removal of all which inhibits HUmanity or the Ascension in a negative way. Let us use this moment and this Gateway to its fullest capacity. Keep going in and up ~ be in gratitude for every little thing and extend that gratitude to the world at large. Thich Nhat Hanh says that when you are grateful, you are happy. Even when washing dishes – be grateful that you have dishes to wash and then send a prayer that all beings have dishes to wash and food to put in those dishes and happiness such as yours. Imagine ~

Our New skills overwhelm the remnants of old self, old realities, old beliefs. Rejoice in that awareness. May we venture forth with joyful and open hearts together in this Light to co-create global peace, harmony, stability and pure LoveLight for everyone choosing the Ascension experience.

In Service to the One, with the Love of Oneness ~

Sound File:

Posted in New Day
4 comments on “Essence ~ Gateway Of Unification
  1. Karen says:

    Dear One Love, what a week of mystery & mayhem it has been (body & mind has needed much rest & recuperation????) ~ YES ~ as this New unifying gateway opens I sense the majesty & mystery unraveling to reveal the Beauty & the Power of Oneness of BEing as a New HUman. In reverence To Eternal Spirit Self ~ I celebrate this holy union of the Divine Feminine & the Divine Masculine solar diamond light/love radiant energies into my heart ~ ~ ~ ???????????? ~ into my life ~ into my intentions to BE the LOVE ~ BE the PEACE ~ BE the BLISS & JOY ~ for a New Earth REsonance/REvolution ~ YES ~ Blessed BE & So It IS! Gratefully Yours ????✨???????? I bow to Thee ???????????? and I say ~ YES ~ to what will BE?

  2. Kryss says:

    Hello fellow hatchlings. I Am new to awakening, so there is still plenty of shell left to peck at on my end. Thus, what I have to share regarding FEAR (False Evidence Appearing Real) may indeed be old territory for you.

    Let me say, this whole thing took me by surprise to say the least. I really thought this was the exclusive path of a few masters. Surprise, Surprise, Surprise!

    Perhaps we choose our own portal to awakening, so yours may be different; mine shook me to my core. Fraught with fear and waking up in terror every night, here is how I have steadied:

    I scheduled a couple of one-on-one sessions with DeAnne and followed up with her Walk The Path course. This has been invaluable to me because I genuinely thought most of my marbles had rolled off the playing board. I felt utterly alone and perhaps even abandoned (if it helps, it was my knowing that there is a natural time of walking a solitary path during awakening). In this time, someone or several different guides may resonate with you. Go with that and find guidance and comfort if you feel you need it. Trust that your heart knows and keep your mind out of your decisions especially those fraught with emotion. I knew of DeAnne through my sister and had met her last year. I felt comfortable, even drawn to DeAnne, so she was a natural choice for me and I Am grateful for her in my life every day.

    I learned that meditation and stillness are critical for providing a new foundation. Having pecked my way out of my old foundation, I found this to be indispensable. Although foreign to me at first, meditation and stillness provide a refuge when the marbles start to roll, as well as a place of peace and rejuvenation for every day. I now look forward and even crave this time spent with Self and Source.

    I have learned effective processes for going into my heart, especially when things APPEAR rough, and it steadies me. I surrender to my heart and feel the peace.

    I have learned that nothing is broken. There is nothing to fix.

    I have learned that yoga helps.

    I have learned that being out in nature helps immensely.

    I have learned that EVERY MOMENT presents itself to guide me, to show me, so that I may learn and become. Life is a masterpiece! It matters not what I AM doing or what it looks like to my mind or ego. It is here for me to learn.

    I have learned that I AM exactly where I AM supposed to be at all times. I know that I need not busy myself with preparations because I will be where I need to be with the necessary tools and aptitude, always. Trust and allow, as the wave trusts the ocean.

    If you were drawn to this page to read what I have said, it is my knowing that it will be of service to you.

    With So Much Love Always, Kryss

  3. Karen says:

    Dearest beloved Kryss, your beautiful & wise insights to /on the path of awakening RESONATES 100%! Written with such good humour & sincerity ~ thank you kindred Spirit ~ in Service & Oneness to our Source of Shining LoveLight ✨????✨???? Surrendered I AM.
    Thank you DeAnne & the Shining Ones who guide our Way with such dedicated devotion, inspiration & compassion. ????????????

    • DeAnne says:

      Kryss DOES have a fun sense of humor – very quick and witty – one of MANY delightful things about her. Kryss, meet Karen (in Australia) and Karen, meet Kryss (Oregon). ♪♫*¨*•.¸¸☼ •*•.¸¸☆•*´¨`*•.¸¸­. ॐ

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