Namaste′ Beautiful Beings and Welcome to July ~ a tremendous opportunity for the ascending light tribe of a new humanity. The ability to focus on true reality is really strong now – the energy is moving very quickly toward new roles, new levels of learning, new levels of embodying and a very new sense of the Self.
The gifts of the Summer Solstice are many, some of which I will share here ~ the rest I will share in the upcoming New Human webcast. Some of the sweet afterglow of the Solstice Gateway is a sense of feeling so much more relaxed about who we are, who you are, in this NOW. You are likely feeling as I AM, much more anchored in your body, and a new level of peace and lightness about getting to play here in this dynamic dimension of so many vibrational variables.
Personally, I am aware of how much I am dancing with multidimensionality, along with the ability to manage and tune into activity from a higher level as I witness the new timeline creating unity consciousness within all my current lifestreams and the new activities appearing. As most of you are aware – I have been invited to be part of the Asheville Yoga Festival later this month. This event on my horizon reflects so much light from the new timeline – it is an affirmation of my merging the world of yoga with my current new human life; body, mind, spirit and service. Additionally, it is an opportunity to bring the consciousness and energy of this new paradigm, the new earth frequency and the awareness of the New Self, to a entirely new population. This is an exalted, joyful expression of how the new timeline realities are creating bridges of Unity Consciousness into the lives and experiences of the humanity that is open and cooperating with change. Big change.
Every moment feels like liftoff right now, such Divine grace and presence here to support the new. We are SO loved to be experiencing such a grand level of transformation and movement – it really is quite breathtaking. This crescendo and expansion from the June Solstice and throughout this month have everything to do with the August Eclipse! Two main themes you want to be paying attention to are 1. Jumping In and 2. Finding Clarity through Feeling. These energies building to the August Eclipse can be dizzying and flatten you physically, mentally and emotionally if you are stalled in thought and indecision. However, the same light force of momentum is going to be wind under the sails of every desire and dream if you are taking action. These two themes, when consciously engaged together, will manifest miracles in healing age old division between the masculine and feminine relationships on our planet and in our lives. What is here now, present to us in such a generous way, is the invitation to use power, understand and truly embody power in a new way in our lives. TAKE ACTION via what feels right and good in your home environment, your community, your relationships, your work and of course, with yourself. We have crossed through a significant threshold that is revealing brand new paths and levels of Self that are set to anchor with the August Eclipse and then take off in very full and abundant direction come September. There is a very real “splitting off” of realities underway – choices are being drawn in the cosmic sand of known and unknown, fear to love, old paradigm to new, higher service and greater unity versus settling in the comfort of ego consciousness over the Divine Self.
September is going to be a big month in “new human” land… these same energies of “taking action” and tuning into the feeling (intuitive self) nature have initiated 2 retreats, both created to anchor in the fantastical activity and higher purpose of the August Eclipse. The first retreat will be in Tepoztlan, Mexico ~ September 7 – 18th – and then, a Fall Equinox retreat in the ancient mountains of Asheville, NC September 21 – 23rd. You will find links to both events below – both of which are complimentary energetically in clearing a path for the new tribe of humanity to live strongly in the light and purpose of a New Earth Utopia. Really exciting and humbling stuff – the light is quite strong in the new transparency of these new timelines. Remember the formula of Energy = Energy; so too, New Timeline = New Self. There is no going back – we must move forward, renew, rejuvenate, restore and re-purpose our lives as Divine and powerful beings of Light and Truth in the Aquarian Age.
As we move forward: tighten the reins, refine your focus, maintain impeccable equipoise, Let Go More, Trust Life, Trust your Self… oh yes, and BREATHE!
If you pause with the breath and feel each one of these energetics, you will remember the center of your devotion to what is unfolding now, and there will be power and great joy! Carpe′ Diem ॐ
Oneness Rising LoveLight~
DeAnne and the Shining Ones
You will find the following links under “DeAnne’s Services” ~
May We All Shine Bright ????✨????
Sacred Medicine Healing Retreat:
Yoga, Sound, Vortex, Fall Equinox Retreat:
These are exciting times. Manifesting is becoming easier-must be careful what I ask for.
I feel the Yoga Festival will have many gifts for you.
Sure looking forward to healing the age old divisions between male and female-bringing it back into balance.
Love and Blessings, My Friend
DeAnne , I wish you will enjoy today, and hopefully win the annual july bear-run .. Love from Arne
well that made me smile Arne ~ always special to hear from you and I wish you the same right back!! ॐಌ ????????????????????