Just a brief note ~ we are all so suspended in mind and emotions with the depth of experience underway. What you will be noticing and feeling increasingly so, is free. I cannot even wrap my mind around what has occurred over the last 5 days in my world… the energy that best expresses what has been gifted with this Eclipse, is liberation. Layers and generations, ancient agreements and ancestry spun to freedom by this crystalline Solar light… and SO MUCH POWER. Power and clarity have moved into the spaces liberated by the void of this Eclipse.
I feel celebrated – validated – uplifted – like I am looking on everything I have known and felt and experienced and been a part of – from an outpost in the Cosmic Realms. Everything is brighter – my mind is clearer, my point of focus has shifted dramatically (the embodiment of Cosmic Level Perception) and I feel the vertical stacking of my crystalline, Solar Self, Cosmic Self, within. I shared in the current New Human Transmission that all of August is part of a sequence of Cosmic Stargate Convergences. It is difficult to put into words, but I feel the Stargate Convergences sequencing within my mind. These flows, Cosmos to Earth, Galactic Self to human aspect, old paradigm consciousness to new human/new earth activation are threaded through the vibrational wall of the approaching area of space which triggers Galactic as well as Universal leveling-up! It is like a dream within a dream within a dream, this moment. Vibrationally, energetically in the body – the metaphor of this new level of liberation would be the sensation of wearing layers of heavy clothes, like bulky, cumbersome winter clothes… and suddenly feeling like you have on minimal summer wear… this really palpable lightness, the skin feels different, the sensation of movements, very different, the interaction between you and the reality around you. This is the experience of the crystalline DNA from the inside out – a higher level attunement to your Self and everything around you.
My brother visited over the eclipse weekend – SO huge as both a reflection of the shift in Galactic structures impacting our planet and also, on a personal level, the opportunity to assume a new mantle of consciousness on behalf of the masculine to feminine paradigm shift for our world. I could not have navigated this weekend leading up to the eclipse without my Cosmic/Galactic/Higher Self in the center of my mind, my heart, my emotions and my physical body. Something else stepped in, some ONE else, stepped in. I passed the ancestral torch of what I had been carrying on behalf of my family lineage, understanding that I could not go further, deeper, higher into service with my higher dimensional aspects until this level of forgiveness, understanding, compassion and neutrality was achieved and embodied. By the time the eclipse peaked as a diamond ring directly over my DeAnne aspect, I was very willing and empowered to surrender my entire past, all of my known reality, into the void.
It has and will continue to be a very emotional experience, the leveling-up and refined attunement to this Cosmic Stargate operation. In the September webcast, we will explore our new particle expression ~ who we are now in this incredibly beautiful, sacred, holy depth of rewrites for our consciousness and dimensional expressions into the next Creation. I experienced the Cosmic Divine Mother in the 2+ minutes of totality on the eclipse. I AM still integrating, processing and discerning what that means for my known reality… know that we have incredibly high level escorts walking with us as we continue to pass through the edges of this vibrational barrier. For the longest time I have had the sense of being a very tiny being charged with guiding an ocean liner through very narrow passages of massive ice bergs in working to ground and stabilize this new energy into the Collective Consciousness. From the family reset to this profound Eclipse, followed by a day of white water rafting (massive crystalline immersion and trust) celebrating 22 years in Asheville – that image has shifted dramatically as Galactic Structures within and without take over for us so that we may move into alignment with the pure Heart of Source light – Divine Destiny – True Purpose, autonomous living and being. It is only then that we may truly be of service – it is only then, that we are free.
Honor this sacred space – the remembrance, the love, the responsibility and the prism shift of your inner and outer world with astute presence and deep devotion. There are still spaces available in the Yoga, Sound and Vortex Fall Equinox experience September 21, 22 and 23. Both of the New Human September retreats were created for the purpose of opening the pineal, working with the New DNA and anchoring this new leveling up of Cosmic Identity. I feel a wide spectrum of feminine light, stewardship and wisdom participating ~ a council coming together at a new level of connection, remembrance and love for the whole of this humanity and Earth. Spend time and heart tuning into the intention of a new dynamic of responsibility, tribe and sisterhood that the container of this retreat represents.
After the stillness of depth and darkness that befell our world for 2+ minutes on August 21, 2017 – a new light returned with the sun’s radiance. This eclipse connection promises a fractal explosion of possibilities though the end of the year. Everything different, everything new. Are you ready to BE that new? Are you ready to allow that new? The September 22nd and December 23rd Gateways will anchor the timeline split – clear away and plan accordingly so that your vessel and your heart become clear channels of the something greater our planet is moving into at this time. More than anything, a deep peace permeates. The Higher levels continually transmit throughout. All is well ~ allow, allow, allow.
Love and Gratitude, Peace To All.
DeAnne and the Shining Ones
The Journey and The Meeting ~ Jane Winther
*I chose these photos from those Nasa posted as they were the closest to the images I saw in Ravens Gap!
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