This is an opportunity to Unify ~ our minds, our hearts, our intentions and vision for peace in our world. We must remember that as we witness so much destruction within various forms in manifested world, Oneness is Rising, a new grid is anchoring and a new balance is being restored in the greater worlds of light and sound, consciousness and energy. This is happening by us, for us, through us and our ability to remain calm, emotionally neutral, balanced and intent on stepping into new, each and every day.
This invitation is for anyone choosing the New Earth Experience as an opportunity to Co – Create in a Higher Timeline. The timing of how things are unfolding in the higher timeline is perfect and beautiful. I feel in awe and my heart full, everyday, as I witness undeniable miracles manifesting like new flowers pushing their way through a garden’s soil. We are the garden, new humans, and everything happening in the collective field right now, is the soil we must continue to till with our love, our clarity, our determination and our trust in the greater truth of life. With this simple endeavor, we are creating ripples of remembrance for an evolving world.
I AM including 2 different meditation options for your ease and convenience. In that, you just need to show up! The first is a powerful New Human Meditation, A New Timeline Experience, first introduced on the July 16, 2017 webcast. This meditation captures the trajectory of the current ascension movement while allowing for profound DNA expansion and the anchoring of Divine Consciousness.
A New Timeline Experience:
The second option is a universally known Loving Kindness Meditation. This practice has been honed over millennia in various Buddhist traditions to condition the heart to be more open and loving. Simple at a glance, this meditation causes chemical changes in the body and morphogenic field of both the practitioner and those the practice is intended toward. This is an opportunity to recondition your habitual ways of responding to others, opening the door of your perception as being separate, when in truth, you are part of a unified whole.
Loving Kindness Meditation:
The most important element in this Unified effort, is intent! You may appear as One, you look around you and “see” no other. Yet, our true power is in recognizing we are each part of One Unified Human field of Love, Light and Divine Consciousness. In this way, we assist both Gaia and humanity in accepting a greater possibility of heart consciousness for themselves and our world.
New HUman Global Unity Meditations every Sunday beginning September 17th @ 8:11 ET, 11:11 ET and 5:11 ET. Come in remembrance, bring your light, meditate with the intention of peace, of healing, of unity and the expansion of LoveLight in our world; for the highest good of ALL.
I AM the One, I AM the many
Truth is my Intention
Love is my religion
Peace is my compass
Devotion in every breath
for the Highest Good Of All.
Prayer Sadhana
*photo credit: Sierra Hollister, Light A Path
I just participated in your 5:11 med’n. I also participated in the 11:11 med’n but was a little late because I got caught up in my morning routine.
Thanks, DeAnne, for being there for all of Humanity and Mother Earth.
Love and Blessings,
Gratitude beautiful Judy – I feel the energy of these meditations growing each week – so powerful to come together in this way!! ????
I participated this morning again at 11:11 your time. Thanks for setting this up. I now have it written in my daily planner to help me remember each Sunday.
Gratitude Judy for your presence and your light – this is so important at this time… restoring balance thru intention, vision and love. I now have many in the yoga community joining in… the numbers grow each week. ????
I participated this morning. It felt so gooooooooooooooooooood!
I was wondering if you were continuing with this request.
I’m off to hear a woman talk about our Galactic Families later today and then to a vegan potluck with another group.
Thanks for continuing with these mediations weekly.
I had forgotten that it was via this meditation that I learned the Lokah med’n. I love chanting this one and do it each morning, using my harmonium, at the end of my morning meditation rituals.
Blessings My Friend,
Wow, very powerfull!!! Thank you and the Shining Ones. NAMASTE
Thank You DeAnne💜🙏🏽💜 I AM at Peace especially after hearing your voice. I am so grateful to have found you! Love You!
Gratitude Robin ~ thank you for stopping by and great to hear from you! 😘
Today I participated in both meditations and, once again, I went out on during the 2nd med’n started. The next thing I was aware of was silence. Do you think The Shining Ones are working with me during this time?
Or are you working with them? 😉 When in these spaces, there is less “other” and more unity Judy, so you will definitely feel a stronger connection and presence of what is in your heart. ❤️
Hum! You have given me a different perspective. I realize now that what I wrote could be interpreted in different ways. It would have been better to have written, ” …working on me…”.
Just finished listening to the 2nd med’n again and out I went-again. Now I’m intending to listen more frequently.
I was definitely feeling more loving towards the homeless people that I was helping serve lunch to today.
Feeling more Unity.
More than anything – meditation is US working on ourSelves ~ remembering a more true alignment and relationships with existence. Unity is expanding, without and within. xo
Is it possible to know who is singing the Mantra in the first Meditation ? Lokah samasta…..I love it & would like to find a audio recording …Is it on you tube ?
Thanks & blessings
Hello Emmanuelle ~ happy to be of service to you 😉 I will share a little tip with you for future reference. This meditation is from a live show – all shows AND meditations are archived on my website. You can look up artists and names and titles etc in that way by date. That being said, I actually created a “goddess medley” for this meditation. The 3 songs and artists in order are: Moola Mantra by Deva Premal, Kali Durga featuring Mercedes Bahleda and Lokah Samastah (slow version) featuring Sharon Gannon! Thanks for stopping by and sharing this space with the many. One Love❤️
Just finished doing the Unity Meditation with you. I had written it down on my daily planner but then forgot about. However, after just coming back from a walk with a friend, I was directed to look at my daily planner and then at the time. It was 2:11. How do you like that!
At 3 I will be participating in another meditation with someone else. This is called Heartfulness Meditation.
I’ve listened to your latest webcast a few time. I had not heard of nedi’s before. 72,000-that is a lot.
I know you will have a great time in NZ.
Love and Blessings,
What a beautiful way to spend your day Judy ~ thank you for sharing high vibes with the world 💞
Thank you so much, DeAnne, for posting these meditations again. They are two of my very favorites. With love & gratitude for all you bring through and embody.
and THANK YOU for being here Sandra ~ such a beautiful expansive time to be in Unity. Sending Love and a Hug 🤗💞
Just finished doing your Unity Meditation with my cat, Walter, by my left side. He wanted my attention and-at one point-grabbed the eye pillow off of my eyes. I enjoyed all his purring along with the meditation.
There is so much to offer these days in regards to spiritual matters. I’ve connected with Asara Adams from Shasta and belong to a closed group with her.I’m also involved with Lorie Ladd who lives in the Bay Area and I’m taking a Goddess Workshop once/mo locally from a friend.
I didn’t get to listen to your webcast this morning because I led the pre-church meditation at Unity Church. I will listen to the replay.
Love and Blessings,
Dearest DeAnne,
Thank you for this morning’s webcast and amazingly beautiful and powerful meditations. They are always purifying, healing, energizing! I really needed it today, and so I gifted myself with the time to listen. I put all other pending things aside. I’m so glad that I did.
Forever grateful for your devoted, one-of-a-kind intentions and heart-centered sharing of your Spirit.
See you in a a couple of weeks!