Lots of deep breaths needed all around, lots of love and forgiveness (especially with Self) lots of patience, compassion, deep listening and open-hearted sharing. More and more, it will be essential to our own well being and that of our evolving world, that we flow our day, make plans and decisions around connection, coming together, being available for and to one another in deeper and more meaningful ways. No matter what stress or challenge, concern or difficulty you might have in your personal experience at this time, it is pretty much a given that every other person you encounter has their own share of the same.
Incredibly strong, cosmic forces are in play right here, right now. The coming weeks will reveal that our reality choices – collective and personal – are being honored and amplified in a brand new way. Traditionally, this had to do with magnetics, vibrational match or mismatch. Yet, as you hear often in this space – EVERYTHING IS NEW. We are not following or going to – we are BE-ing and Embodying. Pay Attention to your choices, read between the lines of your thoughts, find stillness with your impulses, take care that you are not tagging alongside the small self into more of the same with longing – longing is past – BElonging is future.
Now, through the Equinox Gate and into the first days of October takes us into a higher comprehension of what it means to engage with Divine HUman evolution. We are on the move – the energy is carrying us with new purpose, drive and determination. The post solar eclipse energy has set us upon a trajectory to be even more prosperous and magical. All systems are go – but those systems are also in upgrade mode, so discernment around both personal and collective reach – why we do what we do, etc – is essential.
A powerful imagery for your meditation and stillness – see yourself as a neutral conduit of Divine Light with integrity and grace. I love to do this standing in mountain pose under the sun, be it literally or in my minds eye. As you do so, your DNA will vibrationally match the frequency of the New Earth expression. To ascend is to become sacred mirrors of the Divine versus mirrors reflecting lessons and mind/emotions of the lower levels. Stay flexible with your beliefs about what is possible, where you are going, or who you are. Remember, gentle and forgiving ~ embody the Mother, keep adjusting the guarded, willful stance of the small self to a surrendered receptivity to the ALL, in its entirety. Energy is moving so swiftly you could conceivably morph through several generations of belief and cellular memory in your morning yoga class. Attach to nothing, embrace and love, embrace and love, you, me, the whole of humanity – embrace and love, in each moment. As we transcend archetypes and experience life without the vibrational ceiling, the illusion of the lower realities and what we created here will fade; is fading. As you are ready, as you allow, as you trust and LET GO and surrender to this Divine NOW – you will discover very personal and powerful launching pads to completely undefinable experiences. I AM ready for that – are you?
Significant Energy Opportunities and Reminders:
Sunday 17th, Global Unity Meditations 8:11am, 11:11am & 5:11pm ET
*Know that whichever time and meditation you choose, you are connecting with thousands of your light tribe around the globe. Take a moment to acknowledge them, tune into them, feel and connect with them before and after your meditation. The intention is Unity, the intention is Divine Consciousness.
Wednesday 20th, New Moon 1:30am ET – Opens the Equinox Gateway – Focus on what is new, what needs to be new and how you can support what is new. Sometimes the clarity comes from recognizing what is old. There is so much support to see ourselves clearly – which is to see ourselves in mastery. This New Moon is a beautiful shower of energies to empower your magnificence and to see clearly what may be blocking it.
Friday 21st, Fall Equinox – 4:02pm ET This Equinox is a MARKER FOR CHANGE. We will be anchoring the Trinity StarGate Trajectory from the August Eclipse into the Human Heart Grid in the purest spaces of Gaia’s Crystalline Heart and new Divine Feminine Vortex openings in the planet’s grid. Please feel free to tune in and join those gathered here in Asheville as Gaia receives the strongest cosmic influences to date. Use your crystals and intentions, get out onto the Earth, connect with the elementals and create space for the geometries and photonic encoded light of this dimensional shift. All is in place – All systems go.
Saturday 23rd, Cosmic Trigger, Timeline Shift This will be day 3 of the New Human Equinox Gathering – we will be working directly with High Heart and Thymus, activating the new Crystalline DNA through sound. You are welcome wherever you are to set aside time and space today to join in that intention and experience. This will soften the embodiment of this shift and allow for direct download of Sophia Consciousness, Divine Wisdom.
Sunday the 24th, Global Unity Meditations 8:11am, 11:11am & 5:11pm ET (see above)
This is a time of incredible depth, beauty and opportunity – these pathways will allow prepared consciousness to experience Primary Christed Timelines, eventually leading to a complete merge of dimensional expressions; lower and Higher Selves expressing as One on the New Earth level. Wrap yourself in this inexplicable wonder and bliss – knowing that it is your willingness to love and be loved, truly and unconditionally, that has delivered you to this true moment.
We are Oneness Rising, a New Tribe of Homoluminous Humans – meeting our own highest potential, in a very NEW moment of time. So Be It. Love and Only Love.
DeAnne and the Shining Ones
Longing is the past _ BElonging is the future. powerful. Thank you . Sending you love and light and I am there with you heart and soul
Gratitude Cyndie – I love that too, it felt very centered and powerful coming through and it makes perfect sense because there is SO MUCH present and available now in support, love, new energies – there truly is nothing lost or missing or incomplete… it is ALL right here, without and within! ????????