One of my favorite New Human mantras is “Clear the way ~ and the way will be made clear.” I feel the energetic invitation of this mantra so strongly in this NOW. There is beautiful presence here ~ and beautiful presence emerging from within. Everywhere I go feels open and receiving of these higher frequencies, completely connected to the Crystalline grid activation, Trinity Stargates and New Earth grid systems. The synchronistic world has greatly amplified since the Equinox with ongoing alignment ~ either reminding us of our center or reinforcing the new levels we are embodying. It seems everyday, beautiful humans or nature or experience is showing up to lift my consciousness and reach higher to the light within and without. Within this energy of synchronicity, there is unified activity that is linking our hearts, regardless of location.
My interaction with Gaia, the Shining Ones and Higher Councils of Light has become more lengthy and lucid in recent days ~ it fills me with such peace and joy that truly benevolent beings are overseeing this Divine unfoldment of Ascension. Especially so in recent vortex experience, energy and presence has come in to nudge my remembrance that many of us are those beautiful beings at a higher level, and the multidimensional awareness of the Christ Consciousness makes this a much clearer, felt experience. There is strong and clear energy, along with precision metaphor in the current New Human Transmission to assist the shift to multidimensional awareness. (A New Dream of Humanity, Divine Human Emergence Galactic and Universal levels are merging in the Now awareness; and yet, they still present as fractals of unique expression. What is your current vision of your Galactic, Universal Self? What energy fills you when you tune into this aspect, now emerging from within.
I was recently gifted a small crystal ganesha charm, beautifully wrapped in silver wire to wear around my neck. This tiny little amulet is exquisite – everyone comments on its detail and delicacy. We are in sync in this now, ganesha and I. Ganesha is widely revered as the remover of obstacles, the patron of arts and sciences, the deva of intellect and wisdom and the god of beginnings. Together with my amulet, I AM sharing the Ganesha Mantra with you here… a reminder that there is nothing standing in your way as Divine Human, in this now moment; nothing blocking your brilliance or preventing your experience of all pervading peace. Om Gam Ganapataye Namaha – “salutations to the remover of obstacles.” From the beautiful light that is Ajeet Kaur, may this “dance of ganesha” fill your heart and calm your nerves ~ whatever your experience or encounter.
“Clear the way and the way will be made clear.” New Gateways opened with the timing of the New Human October Transmission… surging a new level of Light through the collective that will remain steady through the coming weekend. Profound shifts are occurring within, with the availability and increasing flux of 5D frequencies. The Sunlight since the Equinox is changing with visible and palpable brilliance – shifting the landscape of the sacred geometry in nature and our relationship to it. We are traversing the border of this sacred geometry as Solaris transforms the photonic light in this Ascension container. The movement is swift. There will be another collective shift point October 21 – 25, with much present to integrate the previous month’s activations as we prepare for another transformation.
Stay present to your experience, invite this presence in, open your heart and surrender again and again to the experience of Christ/Crystalline consciousness and an Ascended state of BEingness. This time, this NOW, this mystery and invitation to more, belongs to the heart. Keep your consciousness focused on that wisdom and peace ~ abide in the highest reach and remember to smile ~ for you are wildly, wholly, bountifully and deeply loved. As I keep reminding you, New Human Family, time to celebrate!!
Love, Light, JOY, Oneness,
DeAnne and the Shining Ones
I am in LOVE with the visuals from Ajeet Kaur’s video✨⭐️✨
Your introduction of Ajeet Kaur reminds me of when you first introduced us to Snat Tam Kaur years ago. I love her music and TODAY I’m going to one her concerts again. This one is in Sacramento, CA which is only about an hour away.
Clear the way and the way will be made clear. I wish my daughter could embrace this. She makes her life miserable by her own actions. I surrender her to her Higher Self. I know she is so much more than my daugher and I’m so much more than her mother.
Blessings, DeAnne
Beautiful…thank you
Thanks for sharing . Beautiful , I love the sacred geometry !????????
it is a nice reminder Kay that sacred geometry is EVERYWHERE outside of you and within. ॐ????????