Good Morning New Humans and HAPPY NEW YEAR!! It is incredibly exciting and fortuitous to have the beginning of a brand new year accompanied by a Full Moon – and a Super Moon, no less. I just came out of the most beautiful, grounding, fulfilling and RIGHT ALIGNMENT New Years Weekend and Eve of my life. Not matter what the details and challenges – for me, this speaks VOLUMES as to what is ahead.
2018 is a year of EMBODIMENT! We are in a very powerful time where each and every one of us has a lot of potential to do a lot of good. That is a truly magnificent gift.
This Full Wolf Moon, the first of 2 Full Moon’s this month, will occur @ 9:24 Eastern today. I find the synchronicity so stunning and wondrous given the recent wolf encounters and energies that the field of LOVE has been sharing with us. Both of these moons are considered Super Moons and serve to enhance the power of influence over your intentions, your dreams, your visions and dominant desires. SET YOUR INTENTIONS, breathe and move and create ceremony, vision boards, make your wishes known. Be very specific with your readiness, your preparation and your desire now to STEP INTO your greatest service. How do you wish to serve yourself, your personal reality and relations and the greater world around you in the coming weeks and months? You know the adage, First, love your Self… and then you will be of the greatest love and service to others! What does that look like for you in this moment of your chosen life and path thus far? This Wolf Moon is a very nurturing moon, allow her to inspire you. Take time today to lovingly be with your home environment. Clear out, soften, envision, rearrange, talk to your plants, play heart opening music, make nurturing food, cuddle with your 4-legged and imagine how you could make your home environment more supportive to you this year. BEGIN TODAY – set it in motion. Because the energy of this self care and love of your personal space will plant the seeds of expanding your love and care into the greater environment of our world.
And remember the wolf medicine ~ instinct (trusting your inner being) intelligence, the desire for FREEDOM and the importance of social connections. WE NEED ONE ANOTHER – we are always stronger and with greater influence, together. Wolf teaches us that there is only fear when we fail to TRUST ourselves and the living intelligence we are supported by. Likewise, this 11 or 2 year – EMBODIMENT year – vibrates the energy of Divine Life Purpose, Soul Mission, Social Justice, Peace, Support and TRUST in the greater path unfolding. It is a BEAUTIFUL Path, indeed.
Breathe In Love, Ring In Love, Be the Love you are ~ there is nothing more powerful.
SO very grateful for you, each and every ONE.
JOY, HARMONY and GREAT LOVE, from my heart to yours!
DeAnne and the Shining Ones
Thanks for the input, DeAnne, and suggestions in creating our intentions.
I feel 2018 will be a powerful year for all.