Good Morning Light Tribe,
I Am sure many of you are still in deep process from the Solstice Gateway, trying on the new levels of activation and reconnection from this powerful ascension passage. There was not a breath, a breeze, a nuance within any and all activity during this Solar Gate that was not infused with power ~ power supporting our Higher Trajectory of service, purpose and Unity ~ along with our next-level Lightbody of the Divine New Human. Most of the women participating in the Embodiment Retreat in Costa Rica were familiar with the teachings of this new human/new earth paradigm and the Shining Ones… yet the depth of understanding and aha, feeling and embodiment of this energy was greatly amplified as a new energy, a new frequency, within.
I look forward to sharing the magic and gifts of this Solstice with you on the next New Human Transmission, July 8, 2018. Take time to BE with these newly activated Source codes. Resist nothing ~ allow, observe, tone, meditate, explore the new and recognize any discomfort as newly activated DNA, Christed templates within looking for spaces to integrate into the known of your reality and world.
This Solstice passage radically opened the Gateway of our heart centers ~ I can speak personally that I was continually met with mirrors of LOVE, of Sisterhood, brotherhood, human family, beautiful earth and all her kingdoms ~ power so magnificently amplified as a New HUmanity, New Earth experience during our time in Costa Rica. I really want to impress in this coming show, the importance of creating vibrational containers and how willing ALL OF LIFE is to amplify the intention of the NEW energy, in our minds, our hearts, our bodies and our world. The overall energy of this Solstice Gift never dropped, it allowed each of us to maintain a higher frequency in our bodies and to experience what that feels like. This was the Solstice of New Creation within, in our world and throughout the heavens. Breathe that in, embrace it fully, ALLOW IT TO FILL YOUR CUP and embolden your JOY!
Next New Human Transmission ~ Sunday, July 8th, 2018. 11:11am
Sharing the GIFTS of this NOW
Let me tell you about joy
Joy is an internal combustion
Joy is a spark of the divine
Joy lives inside of you waiting for expression
and loves to be shared.
Joy leaps effortlessly into moments of authenticity, wonder, freedom.
Joy invites in and allows and spills over unapologetically.
Joy Is ~ and you are all the more YOU when you LIVE YOUR JOY!
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