Greater Light On Transitions!

An earnest student and his beloved Master sat looking at a radiant sky. The student asked, Wise Master, is that a sunrise or a sunset? And the Wise Master replied ~ ultimately they are the same, mirrors of the same light. One comes from darkness to the light ~ the other from the light, to darkness. And much like death ~ they are each but transitions from one expression of being to another. Let go of the need to label such beauty and simply acknowledge the grace and gift, therein.

(c) The New Human

Namaste’ Light Tribe,

I recently had an exchange with one of your new hUman family that I felt would be valuable and helpful for many. So, I am sharing this exchange with you here and welcome your feedback and personal experiences/views on the subject of Death.

Hi DeAnne,

I’ve been trying to formulate a question to you for a while now. Each time I stop myself and think that I should be able to process this myself and find the answers I need. I haven’t been able to come with anything yet. I’ve always prided myself on being a glass half full person, but this stuff has rattled me. It has to do with people close to me or around me passing away. It started with my mother unexpectedly getting an infection last fall and she never recovered. There has been a string of people since that seems to come in waves. Is it just a coincidence that I’m getting to an age where this is more common? People that seem to be in reasonably good health end up getting or having something that they just never recover from. To me it seems like some form of purge over the last year. Just 3 weeks ago, at 51 years old, my sons girlfriends father had a stroke and never woke up. I guess part of my problem is that they have been good hearted people

Have I not been paying enough attention to the bigger picture?

With Love,

Dear JLP,

My mom was a force to be reckoned with – known for her BLUE fingernails and attention getting fashion statements. She traveled often – was just at my nieces baby shower in FL (she lived in GA) in June…

and then, just like that – she decided she was done, ready to go – did not want to be here any longer! She basically stopped eating and wound herself down. She lived much the same way, in that, once she made her mind up about something – nothing and no one was going to budge her from her position.

I DO think, understandably, that we notice and think about death more as we get older – and it will be much closer to us in circumstances.

But, there is also and MUCH MORE SO – a whole lot more going on. I often wondered how my mom would choose to leave ~ because she lived in a lot of denial and with deeply stored emotion. My dad left early (in his 70’s) of Alzheimers and that made PERFECT sense given his life and relationships. When my mom kinda forced him to retire (his life was his work) and move to GA ( away from his beloved hometown) he just “checked out” – withdrew from this reality and retreated. My mom had pretty much always called the shots and told him what to do… and with Alzheimers, he submitted to that – became a child once again in a fantasy world.

So, I find mom’s exit interesting. But the TIMING is undeniable – ( very elevated Eclipse passage in the whole of our ascension process) and that is what I make a CHOICE to tune into – rather than the emotional circumstances around “death”.

You can rest assured and TRUST that when people transition – their Soul is ultimately at the helm. Whatever the circumstances – ie health issues, accidents, traumas etc is part of their ascension process – intimately tied to an energetic that their Soul needed at that time in its journey. MANY are choosing (on many levels) to leave now ~ these times of being human are incredibly intense (precisely because of what we intend to achieve spiritually) and the edict, conscious or not, is to either STEP UP into new levels of responsibility, accountability and mastery… or leave.

These waves have been greatly amplified since 2012 – but have been going on since the Harmonic Concordance in 2003! Think of your path and journey in the decade of the 2000’s! I can honestly say that it was THE biggest decade of transformation in my life so far. Yes, there is a purge of sorts ~ but it is not at all negative. Massive changes are occurring in our bodies – the purge is more on an emotional and mental body (stories, beliefs, perceptions) level than something like a mass population cleansing. Although we do see this purge, purification, cleansing happening in the planetary, environmental events on our planet.

But the SOUL – is always in charge. Take your son’s girlfriend’s father –clearly there was necessary healing and shift around matters of the heart for him… whatever his outward relationship with his family and world ~ there was something he was not looking at regarding his center of love and security. (heart) And now – his family – on a soul level have the opportunity to shift UP and pick up, glean what this was about spiritually – for ALL of them ~ and heal both his lineage and theirs in past and future generations. We are ever and always, each others teachers… in life and in “death”. We each agreed to EVERY LITTLE THING – every experience and CHOICE and activity that we manifest – all ultimately for the lesson and purpose of a higher level of LOVE; for ourselves, our species and planet.

I encourage you to go beyond the observation of “good- hearted people” – who are or were they as a SOUL? You/We must trust and HONOR the Soul in all circumstances? I imagine you think I am a “good-hearted person.” I will tell you – no matter when I choose to transcend and no matter WHAT the circumstance – it will be filled with a LOT of LIGHT and celebration – and I, on a Soul level, will have deftly crafted the circumstances. NOT just for my own expansion and mastery – but for all remain. It is ALL LOVE JLP ~ we are here to remember that and to polish our relationship to the frequency and LIGHT ~ of LOVE!!

GREAT to hear from you ~ always.
With love, 🤗

Posted in New Day
4 comments on “Greater Light On Transitions!
  1. Marianne says:

    Dearest Deanne

    I have been connected with you since your early World Puja days -and over these years you have shared the complicated 3D relationship with your mother. Always with grace and higher vision – as you continue to do so through her very recent transition.

    We all are very blessed by your sharing these very tender and intimate moments with us, always ‘purposeful’ in your guidance.

    I, myself, feel the precious gift of these experiences with loved ones as they move further into the mystery.
    Both my parents were ailing – so the time with them was poignant – with many beautiful memories in their last months.

    Different was the sudden shock when my dear brother (in 2005 at age 57) died instantly in a small airplane crash. My whole system was so unprepared – and the only solace was to stay in my heart – where I always felt my brother smiling! As painful as this experience was, I was also aware of the jewels.
    My brother had seen each of his 4 adult children the few days before the ‘accident’ (he was not the 3D pilot). We had a very warm relationship, but had not spoken for a few months. He called me a few days before the crash, I wasn’t home, but i called him back the morning of this life changing event. He was in a meeting, and took a break to talk to me – how thankful I am for that!!!

    He was ‘at the helm’.

    And – a few weeks later I had a dream:
    “I am taking him to try on new clothes.
    He chooses the most beautiful soft peach colored cashmere jacket.
    He looks SO happy!”

    Since then, this is the memory I carry of him – in my heart. A tear and a smile.

    Love – gratitude – any many blessings to you as move through these very very auspicious days,

    • DeAnne says:

      Well that was beautiful sharing Marianne ~ THANK YOU! I felt the truth and beauty and peace of it throughout. In other words, much confirmation of your (and his) experience. It is powerful the contacts he made before his “flight” ~ wise and CARING soul, indeed. My first feeling was, OH, to be high above the density – up in the air in transition! 🕉

      I truly and deeply appreciate your reflecting back to me my intention and the greater role I have strived to play in my family dynamic. I have had 2 dreams with mom and one experience of seeing her around Asheville since she passed. I AM sure and certain that the Akash between us will become not only more vivid and clear – but will soften with deep gratitude and love, as well. Of my entire biological family, I know our spiritual contract (and love) was profound. May we each, with strength and wisdom, continue to hold ourselves to higher truths. 🙏❤️

      Awareness is like the sun, when it shines on things, they are transformed. Thich Nhat Hanh ☀️🌈

  2. Marianne says:

    May we each, with strength and wisdom, continue to hold ourselves to higher truths. 🙏❤️ – oh yes

    And – just as you hold us all in your huge heart, I also am holding you in my heart, always 🙏❤️

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