You who are the source of all power
whose rays illuminate the whole world
Illuminate also my heart
So it too, can do your work.
Gayatri, Prayer to the Sun.
Bright, Luminous Blessings to All,
The Full Moon tomorrow set into motion a serious and intense influx of energy that came in last Wednesday and runs through this coming Tuesday. Holy WOW, NOW! There is nothing that is stable in the known reality, impacting both personal and collective experience. The only and necessary response is SURRENDER. To LET GO and allow the New Light to burn away and transmute the old, the tired, the weary from our emotions, our consciousness, our lives and our world.
Everyday, in endless and clear expression, I AM made aware that Gaia is SHIFTING. We talked a lot about the realms shifts and effects of moving to a non-linear reality and way of being on the April New HUman Transmission. ( It is so important that we are practicing neutrality with every breath, while also becoming increasingly aware of how this energy is impacting our bodies, our minds, emotions, heart and lives. We cannot PUSH THROUGH this Shift, that is the old paradigm, that is masculine energy and will not be supported moving forward. We must consciously pivot our habits, old patterns and beliefs to a new, confident, centered and persistent response to this New Now. There is rapid detoxification underway so that we, human, are able to embody higher and higher light. The side effects may present as headache, extreme tension in the body, even greater fatigue, fragile emotions and tears, tear, tears. How blessed we are in form to be able to feel so deeply and experience so widely the full spectrum of human emotion. Trust that no matter what your mental body, egoic self is perceiving or experiencing, that this is a level of expansion that your heart has never felt, your mind has never considered and your body has never experienced!
Most days, my DeAnne aspect (identity) questions if I will be able to hang on – so rapid fire and unceasing is the overwhelming brilliance from the new realms. And yet, my dreams are SO real and filled with such counsel, the plasma light so palpable and transformative out on the Earth, BRAND NEW VISION, New Perspective, scintillating Bliss and Ecstatic JOY literally keeps picking me up and carrying me higher “up the mountain.”
We have reached a point in this process that each of our experiences must be met, welcomed and trusted in unique ways… and yet, there are consistent measures that may be taken to quiet the small self and reset your consciousness again and again to the NOW moment: Water, Water, Water! Plenty of extra pure water is so very essential. If you can be near or get in natural bodies of water – all the better. GET OUT ON THE EARTH often. She is undergoing the same process and knows the way ~ the Mother is the Great Empress of the Cosmic Gaia realms and New Earth experience. Move your body, imagine something growing, expanding, morphing inside your human skin suit, like it is trying to get out. Stretch, move, flow, expand your lungs, become more intimately acquainted with your breath – conscious, equanimous breath, give the breath ongoing opportunity to FEEL THE RIVER flowing all around and through you. Detoxification of the body, liquid or water fasts for a few days can also be helpful. But again, it is essential that you tune into you, trust you, listen well within and create time and space for your unique experience of this process via meditation and stillness. This will truly empower you. Additionally, if you feel that deeper support and cleansing would be helpful at this time, consider a Remote Healing Session for immediate and powerful reset!
You may have already noticed (and felt) the mystical glow in the sky ~ April’s Pink Full Moon. It will be at its peak fullness tomorrow, Saturday, April 16, 2:55pm eastern. This is a powerful moon that will illuminate the sky this entire weekend. This Full Moon in Libra magnifies BALANCE and invites us to look at what is out of balance in our lives. It may bring up deep, dark aspects connected with your past, any addiction to suffering must be addressed and released. We also worked on this archetype of suffering on the April Energy Transmission in preparation. So, there is a lot to work on – all out of love, all in support of the feminine aspects of beauty, forgiveness, compassion and healing. This will help you to avoid getting stuck in the illusion of despair. I have a Vortex outing tomorrow and planned to include various harmonizing portals in the experience. I AM very aware that whatever one or more of us work on in these pure, and refined power spots ripples greatly out into the collective field. I AM ever grateful for that and all who come to do the good work.
2022! A powerful gift with ongoing Revelation, Resolution and Resurrection energy on behalf of our personal and collective world. Be gentle with your beautiful Selves ~ pay attention, be present and vow to not let yourself go down the path of negativity. Use your new hUman discipline and the above suggestions to control the mind and thoughts that are not of the highest vibration. This moon may be challenging for many – so LOVE your Self, be of LOVE to one another, stay in your own lane and don’t take anything personally. It cannot be underestimated what a super power that is.
Finally, enter this weekend and the exceptional acceleration in the months ahead with your Divine Intentions Intact!! Be brave, fierce and unwavering in your devotion to the New; in yourself and in our world. ALL that we are feeling and witnessing is a rapid increase in thought-feeling-intention-manifestation, dip deeply into the well of your core intentions and steady your Self with growing awareness of why you are on the planet in this inexplicable NOW. What I know for sure, and you do too, is that the Unknown wants to make it Self known, through new minds, new hearts and ONLY Love.
Love Love Love Always, Love All Ways,
DeAnne and the Shining Ones
*These 2 photos are from my run this morning. This rhododendron protects a crystal stargate with songlines that reach directly to Mt Shasta. I opened up these energy channels in 2016 to facilitate the Unity and upleveling of the Lemurian and Atlantis Roots races into a NEW ERA for this species. Breathe into the images here and feel their essence. It is your own.
** as always with images on my site – tap to enlarge.
DeAnne – your gifts of wisdom, intuition and insights are such a blessing to us all right now, helping to level and balance us and give us context for what’s happening to us and to Mother Earth!
With so much appreciation and love,
Gratitude Kathleen, this is quite meaningful coming from you! Much appreciation and love back to you always.🙏🏽❣️
Dear DeAnne (and Kathleen who’s comment I just read),
I second that emotion! With SUCH gratitude! The pictures always speak to me, your words, joy and, as Kathleen says, context for this amazing, strange, wonderful “time” for us all. I so look forward to seeing your name in my email box, it’s like a beautiful, deep, joyful, faithful, breath.
All for Love & and as you say Love for All. My heartfelf thanks.xo
WOW! Jayne, I totally felt and received that. Thank you so much for just taking a moment to share energy back with me, means so much! The Shining Ones are smiling too! Big show on the first – please join and hold the space with me – very rapid acceleration now – we ALL need each other. Love Love Love 🙏🏽