Deepening and Lightening

cropped-loveThis beautiful thing is happening, can you feel it? Imagine what it would truly feel like to stand in a shower of light – crystal cascading light. You really couldn’t deny what was happening – it would overtake every ounce of your being. Even the mind would have to give way and fall to silence because there would be no words, no apt description or logic to explain away the wonder and instantaneous transformation of it.

The Lunar Eclipse was deep and penetrating. If it felt like you temporarily went off line or your mind went missing to yourself – not to worry and you were not alone. The radiance of that Eclipse really burrowed into the psyche  – pushing as much debris up and out of the personal energy field as possible. It was kinda like that vacuum movement of a sonic boom … the energy hits – and then this eternal void moment when all goes silent. It provided for quite a significant shift point if you were ready.

And the result? Greater clarity, more peace about circumstances and your role within those circumstances. Again, the energies of crystal cascading light – integrating and becoming more and more of who you are. Which is LOVE.

Be thoughtful and generous in the ways you are connecting with this love ongoing – out of ordinary spaces and known routines. Never have I felt such a lucid sense of promise in the field that surrounds and sustains us. Holy essence, tender recollections of this Light in its purest state, moments of Oneness with our own holiness as we remember we are that purest frequency of Light.

You are invited to join in Spirit in the Shining Ones/Bodhi Tree event tonight – 7pm eastern. I feel so honored and grateful to be walking into this space of reunion with my own devotion to this love. After all, everything that we do and every choice we make is alignment with some aspect of Self, old or new, awake or still content to reside in the familiar.

The next New Human transmission will be next Saturday the 18th of October – 11:11 am Eastern. I will be in a NEW SPACE (home) by then and truly appreciate your patience and love as I shapeshift my way through a great deal of change and shift at this incredible time of transformation, rebirth, renewal and remembrance for all.

HOLY LOVE, bright shining and true!
DeAnne and the Shining Ones



Posted in New Day
One comment on “Deepening and Lightening
  1. Kathleen says:

    Happy shapeshifting. Can’t wait to hear about the gathering at the Bodhi Tree. It was good for me here, so much love and cascading light

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