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Taking Charge, Becoming Responsible Creators!

There is a magnified energy of I AM present in the field NOW. The time has come when we must master the outer self and never again allow the material world, the illusion of form to interfere with the Peace and Love, the Joy and Creative Power of Authentic Life and greater Existence. Every being is endowed with I AM essence – a sovereign wisdom and uncompromising devotion to ones own path of Mastery. We must pray and meditate night and day on our responsibility to be wayshowers and teachers of this New Light, creating bridges to the New Earth by our willingness to step out, seemingly alone, into the undefined spaces awaiting the new creations of the new, Divine hu-man. Only then will the Light truly begin to expand within humankind – only then will the world truly heal and change.
I choose to view the world as a multifaceted creation of my wildest dreams.
Whew! I’m feeling it!
Yes, I AM….Blessed BE (((((((+)))))))