Live It Now

image(6)-1Be strong for love. Be uncompromising and free with your love. Give more than you take and witness the waves of love increasing in your life. Dare to be more for love. Give love a chance to transform what seems unyielding. Love is the most powerful tool in your awakening. If you find yourself surrounded by fearful beings, trust love to show you the fear hiding within. All of life is a mirror – with many realities from which to choose and create your best and truest life. Nothing and no one is keeping you from the power and service you came to express at this time. Do not place that burden on any one. Instead, walk through the open door. Stop making excuses. This is your time. Light is everywhere for you to advance into. Love is all there is. Be that Love. Live it Now!

Good Morning Beloved Tribe of Light,

If the energies yesterday and today are any indication – this will be a powerful gateway over the next few days. There is an unusually profound pressure, you may feel it in your head space (pineal activity) or a general sense of fatigue – the need to move as if in slow motion and with an eerily still mind. LISTEN and PAY ATTENTION. REST OFTEN. STOP the wheel of routine and minutia especially so these next few days, starting right now. Be with the Mother. Drink lots of water, eat lightly or not at all. Listen, Listen, Listen. Life as we know it is ready to be wholly/holy different – which requires an inordinate amount of surrender, letting go and allowing. The above meme and lightwave from the higher realms leaves no room for the if’s, ands or buts of the old brain/old dna activity. If you are ready, there are NO PERIMETERS, NO LIMITATIONS and NO RESISTANCES on your movement into new spaces of Self, Service and Sanctuary for the Soul. Breathe into and welcome this New Light into your heart and allow your Self to be new.

One Love,
and so much gratitude for those who have sent shining donations and/or ordered additional copies of The New Human and The Shining Ones to disseminate out into the shapeshifting landscape of our world. Let your actions speak your highest belief to all.

DeAnne and the Shining Ones ♥♥♥

Posted in New Day
3 comments on “Live It Now
  1. bromberm says:

    Just listened to your webinar early this a.m. and it was amazing. I was in fact in Arkansas, digging crystals and bathing in the geothermals in Hot Springs for my birthday treat. Went to a mine tailing place in a cow pasture in the Mt.Ida area and found amazing quartz samples and crystals. My husband, found one of the biggest crystals –and he really wasn’t engaged in the process. Later in the week, the universe gifted me with an unexpected $50.00 bill found at the State Fair grounds ( like right in front of me) with no one else around, and also a jackpot winner in the USDA Food Safety Education contest. ( I won two cute keychains and a “meat” thermometer, which I probably will use for other temperature checks on cooked food). The Ouachita mountains where we stayed are gorgeous, but leaves not fully turned yet. Hot Springs definitely did de-toxify and relax us–. Unfortunately, finding clean healthy food was a bit of a challenge –but I did manage to find a few vegetarian places and a good organic type grill restaurant.
    Thanks so much for the advice on the crystals and putting them outside to “enlighten” the consciousness of one’s home. They will go in a heart shape in my garden.Also purchased some malachite ( turned it over and found it unsealed–so I am being careful about where I place this on my person)– and amethyst,seer stones. I could have spent all day digging in them “thar” hills. Embracing the next round of energies–as so much other transformation is taking place on my journey.
    I wish you so much light and love in your new ascended abode.

  2. Karen says:

    So much living to do says my mind…. so…. I…. SURRENDERED & lived in my heart space for a few days, feeling free from the burdens of the world….Blessed BE (((((((+)))))))

  3. DeAnne says:

    I think I can speak for all of us here that you painted a “still life” experience for us Mel – thanks for taking us with you into an amazing and blessed crystal vacation. Sounds like and awesome time!

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