Yesterday a friend ran out of gas and was stranded on the side of the road. When she commented that she must be too busy… I suggested a “note to self” placed in various places that she frequents in her busyness that reads, ” Don’t forget to take care of me!”
As the countdown to Christmas kicks into high gear and the frenzy of holiday must do’s and obligation climaxes, it is the perfect time to “check in” with the most important person in your life, YOU! Making sure that there is a balance between that which goes out – and that which comes in, making time and room for things that rejuvenate, feed the inner being and continue to keep the Light of who you are brightly lit and emanating peace.
Here is a truly magical meditation, especially so for this time of year. A reminder to find time for stillness and the very under-rated act of “giving to the Self.” You will be a much greater you and service to everyone else when you first take the time to “service yourself.” InJOY!
Ooooooooooh……a must gift for myself…..aaaaaaaaaaaah….but just not now……..LOL!!