As we come down the hustle and bustle runway into a very multidimensional and multifacted Christmas Day – don’t forget to breathe!
Take time to reflect on the Soul of Humanity and the common Spirit we all share: to seek a vision of our Higher Purpose, to connect with Divine Wisdom, to connect with Higher Self and Higher Mind and to join together toward shared dreams for our individual and Collective future.
The path of Spirit is an arduous one requiring great strength, courage and faith. Call upon the Shining Ones to interpret the Light streaming directly to your consciousness and DNA into words and symbols that can be understood by the rational mind. There is no separation between you and ALL THAT IS. Embrace and Welcome into your hearts this Holy Christmas Presence and DON’T FORGET TO BREATHE.
Breathe and feel….really FEEL and draw in the love that’s present. So much love is there for us!